Do you also just love these e-mails with the announcement that there is a tribe somewhere and they never got cancer and you have to listen and to listen and then .... you have to buy a book to find out.
I never bought one ... and now I even do not listen to the thing. Tried a few times whether I find a hint to what it might be.
In my opinion the secret of all thes fruits, vegetables, spices is that they make the body alkaline and
Cancer is just not a happy camper in an alkaline environment, meaning body. This is wahat people need to know.
Another side effect of ph-neutral (7 - 7.2 pH) body fluids is that the person is calmer and more emotionally balanced. And when we are calm, at peace, happy and loving then the pH is balanced. We say in Germn to this "The cat is biting its tail"
I met once an American doctor who put all his cancer patients on only fresh pressed vegetable juices. Nothing else. And they recovered and were in remission
Another person with cancer decided to fulfill his lifelong dream, bought a sailboat and took off - and oh wonder he got well too and was in remission.
Another one who was full of cancer and nothing could be done surrendered to God, relaxed, most likely the bodyfluids became alkaline and he got well too, or medically spoken he was in remission. 25 years later he was still ub remission and alive. Which shows that remission can be very long.
Because I was not patient enough and stopped listening I did not find out what the former president Clinton is eating daily to be healthy.
Perhaps sunflower seeds, they are pretty healthy or raisins, or dates .... just find out with google was makes you alkaline.
Ir could be too that he is not afraid of cancer and not constantly thinking about it as many do.
Fear and stress make a person for sure acidic.
Wise Owl
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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