Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Small Gestures of Love More Important than Flowers

Terri Orbuch, a research professor at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan and an Oakland University professor did a lot of research and found out that
actually small gestures like makeing a cup of coffee, filling the gas tank, putting a little note "I love you" in his/her briefcase or pocket and words of encouragement and affection are more important than buying flowers. This includes compliments, help and support and encouragement.

Men need such affirmations more than women, probably beause
women receive them also family members, friends and neighbours - who notice when we have a new outfit or a new haircut. She writes: "(Husbands) really need it and crave it more from their wives, and when they don't get it, they're much more likely to be distressed, unhappy, and that relationship in general or the marriage is likely to be unhappy."

So, in case you forget the flowers make up for it in another way.

Anna Christine

PS: To find More indepth help for your relationship or marriage click HERE

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