So often we hear that Babies have only every 3, 5 or even 7 days a bowelmovement.
and some doctors een seem to think that is normal
I have a fairly long testimony about a 4 year old girl who had only every 4 - 9 days a bowelmovement. I'll write only a few sentences of this testimony: "... She barely ate as she always felt full .... ... Potty training lasted ovee a year because if she happened to have a bowelmuvement on the toilet, she was sure to get a fissure and would be teriefied ... Throughout the years we tried dozens of treatments and therapies to no avail. ... Anna Christine spent about 20 minutes doing Reflexology with A. and showed me what to do. Our daughter had a bowelmovement every night for about 2 months, always ad bedtime.... We were so thrilled ... all of a sudden we had a different child. She was happy all the time, she was eating foods she'd not even looked at before (our grocery bill went way up).
Reflxology, although just one session , has had such an impact on our lives. After 4 years we finally have a happy content little girl we always prayed was in there somewhere."
C.W. Vancouver Island
All I can say is, that you tell this your friends who have children.
It is of course also beneficial for adults.
More about this important topic another time ... Dr. Bernard Jensen: the death starts in the colon.Anna Christine
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1 month ago
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