Sunday, April 1, 2018

Climate Change - What Can We Do?

Today I got this mail and remembered having learned this already in school. Most of the streets in Berlin are lined with large trees. I think it is best to plant a tree: 

·       According to Canadian sources Canada has 990 million acres of forests,
·       370 million acres of wetlands and 
·       167 million acres of crop-yielding farmland.
·       These are known as "carbon sinks".  I.e. :-  they absorb carbon.
·       Biologists tell us that trees absorb about 2.6 tones of carbon per acre 
·       So if you do the math 990 million acres x 2.6 tones/acre=2.574 billion tones of carbon being absorbed every year here in Canada.
·       Now if you do more math: 36 trillion tones (amount of world emission x 0.0167 (1.67%)=601.2 million tones - this is the amount of carbon that Canada contributes to world emissions - in the forests alone, Canada absorbs almost 4 times the amount of carbon it emits.
·       AGAIN :--  In the forests alone, Canada absorbs  4 times the carbon it emits.
·       This means that the other three quarters of our forests are being sustained by carbon being emitted by the rest of the world.
·       This calculation does not take into account the wetland or farmland  that also absorbs  carbon.
·       Canada really couldn't get any greener, so why are our politicians hell bent on punishing us with these ridiculous carbon taxes?
·       If the media were honest, this information would be made public. SHOULD BE MADE PUBLIC !
·       Considering the fact that Canada is given no credit for absorbing much more carbon than it emits I think there is a good case for some lawyer to charge governments with a  “class action suit “

Perhaps it was taken from this or from teh Toronto Sun, August 10th, 2016

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

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