Ten years ago I was reading with interest aeries of books,
called the Ringing Cedars series or Anastasia. This series offers
a glimpse of what that could look like.
With all the commotion happening in the world, it is a breathe of
fresh air to read this material. I know a few of you already have,
or are in the process of reading it... If you haven't heard of
this series, I came across these posts that nicely summarized
what they are all about.
There is also another post that includes information on "Healing Gardens"
In order to keep this email from being excessively long, I'll sent that
in a separate email... look for Healing Gardens in the subject line.
I feel this material may help us envision more positive possibilities for
the planet, and as more and more people connect with it, it does have
the great potential to motivate us toward this grander direction.
*************** Brief Introduction to the Anastasia Books**********************
The story began in 1994 on the bank of the River Ob amidst the endless
expanses of the Siberian taiga. The well-known Siberian entrepreneur
Vladimir Megre met with two elderly gentlemen who told him about the amazing
properties of the Siberian cedar (also known in the West as the Siberian
pine). At first he didn't pay much attention to what they told him, but as
he continued to reflect on it, Vladimir began to discover, in the historical
and scientific literature he examined, more and more evidence supporting
their words. Finally he decided to organize an expedition with a fleet of
river steamers. The expedition was ostensibly for commercial purposes, but
in actual fact his overriding motivation was to find the elders again and
learn more about the secrets of the cedar.
This incredible series of books has already been a massive seller in Russia
and we interviewed the publisher of the English translations, Leonid
Sharashkin, at the Science and Consciousness Conference in Santa Fe, where
everyone was spell bound by the information.
Many people ask if Anastasia is "real". Leonid answers simply, that it
doesn't really matter whether there is a human being called Anastasia
somewhere in the Siberian Taiga, as long as the information connects with
the part of all of us that is all-knowing. Once you read the books, you will
Click this link for an interview on this series
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
1 comment:
I am recording the audiobooks! https://youtu.be/A9XxrZGwzqs
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