Because most of us eat processed food.The whole situation in regard to our health is scary. I really can NOT understand why it is so difficult to eat healthy.
Yes, it takes time, but many have a lot of time to watch TV. I have NOT TV.
Would it not be better to cook a meal from scratch. A meal that is healthy.
We are all so civilized that we even need a book "How to Nurse a Baby"
When I saw it years ago, I though "what did happen to mankind? Every animal knows how to do it."
Back to the food.In case you believe I love cooking.I cook because I want to eat healthy. NOT because I love to be in the kitchen. I prefer the garden ... and there I grow things that are healthy. Dandelions for example. I have no microwave oven.
In the morning I eat first fruit and then an egg and a slice of dark rye bread.
Every evening a big salad with olive oil, mustard, apple cider vinegar, garlic, Onions and whatever ... no premade dressing. Have a head of lettuce and not something that was precut and rinsed with a preservative.
Fry fish and add it, that is enough... shrimps are also nice.
Make stir fry with cellery, carrots, potatoes, onion and add an egg.
Soak and cook lentils and add carrots, potatoes, cerellery and onion.
and so on ... all of this takes 30 minutes and is healthy.
We have to eat as close to nature as possible. From the garden in the kitchen.
Always remember that 15.000 Food Additives do NOT need to be listed according to Kevin Trudeau, page 75 of his first edition "Natural Cures "They" do not want us to know about"
Our health care situation is not getting rosier. Teach your children how to eat right ... that is more important than algebra.
Actually I never needed algebra after leaving high school, but I need to eat healthy every day.
Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS.: and when you really do not want to continue eating what you always did, then check THIS OUT
What is the 2025 Prediction?
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