Two years ago I heard on a conference call a doctor saying that it is not the best to take a few single vitamins (he called them isolates).
Which makes sense, considering that spinach consists of about 12.000 chemical components which need each other and work together synergystically.
This was in some way comfirmed by the German Dr. Matthias Rath amd the Canadian Dr. Michael O'Brian, both pointed out that natural vitamin C actually works together with around 12 other vitamins and flavenoids and other things whose name I forgot, and we need them all.
To find the right Vitamin and Mineral Complex is difficult. I found something that I really like and use and the price is reasonable. What I like the most is, that some ingredients are from whole plants
Everything in one bottle. Easy for travelling. Did you know that on KLM one can have only one suit case, at least on my flight. A golf bag with one pair of shoes is allowed but must be declared 4 days in advance. Flying becomes a hassle.
Semi Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS.: Do you like videas about a specific product. Here is ONE.
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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