Yes, in my opinion they are the main reason.
Do you believe that your body likes toxins??
I heard today in the almanac from CBC that they do not know why people have allergies.
But, at some time Dr Cheng made the remark that the researchers begin to think the additives in our food might cause them.
According to Kevin Trudeau, 'Natural Cures "They" Don't want you to Know about', page 75, we have 15.000 additives that do NOT have to be listed.
I have absolutely no allergies, and I do not believe in them as many do. In my school, in University, during my whole life in Germany I heard only about one girl who had allergies.
Yet, when I ate years ago strawberries from California I got a sore spot at my lip. That happened twice and now I am eating ONLY strawberries from Vancouver Island and my garden. Dr. Cheng talked about people who can not eat peaches from the Okanagan, but when they are in Italy they can eat peaches without any problems.
The reason is most likely that they spray in Europe less or that they use different Herbicides and Pesticides.
To get rid of toxins one needs to drink water and needs to have 2-3 bowel movements per day and tohave these one needs to move, vegetating in front of the TV is a disaster.
Otherwise one becomes more and more toxic and one day one might not know anymore what to eat.
Organically grown food is also important.
Did you know that Naturepaths can often help? One caller talked about his positive experience. He is now allergy free and before it was so bad that he sometimes could not leave his home.
The detoxification is extremely important because I believe that a body has often the association, "oh, now I get again this toxic fruit and reacts allergic ... even when one is eating an organic apple."
More about this the next days.
Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS.: To help all my body functions I am drinking this juice, called GoChi, because it helps the body to make an enzyme that produces ProBiotics and is also good for the liver. My liverspots are smaller or gone.
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