Thursday, December 24, 2009

Intuition - Gut Feeling - Subconscious

Merry Christmas !
Yesterday I wrote about the importance of our internal guiding system, which is actually the same as our gut feeling or our subconscious.

It is something we just KNOW and cannot explain logically or with science.
It is basically about how quickly we are able to tap into our subconscious mind. There we have archieved all our life experiences, all the information we picked up during our lifetime, from others, from books, from school and so on.

And ... it is important that we tap into our subconscious mind without thinking.

When we would rely only on facts, on our logic, we would not be better as a computer ... it is the inner knowing that brings us to the truth. Our subconscious stores EVERYTHING. Just trust yourself ... the more you love and believe in yourself the more you are able to trust yourself and your gut feelings.

Have a Wonderful Christmas

Anna Christine
PS.: Have you ever heard of the Miracle Herb

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