Healthy cells are emitting low levels of light - Biophotons.
Looking for websites about Fritz-Albert Popp , Ph.D. I discovered the write-up about Biophotons on a Living Matrix Website.
'The Living Matrix' is NOT to be mistaken with the movie Matrix.
A preeminent German physicist, Fritz-Albert Popp has conducted research that confirms the existence of biophotons. These particles of light, with no mass, transmit information within and between cells. His work shows that DNA in a living cell stores and releases photons creating "biophotonic emissions" that may hold the key to illness and health. Sick cells emit less biophotons than healthy cells.
The modern science of photobiology is presently proving the implications are immense in terms of healing.
Popp’s biophoton research led to international projects with other wellknown scientists.In 1996, Popp founded the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss, Germany.
Popp’s eight books and more than 150 scientific journal articles and studies address basic questions of theoretical physics, biology, complementary medicine and biophotons.
Biophotonic emissions from sick cells, like for example cancer cells, are much weaker than the ones from healthy cells. But the cells can recover,; when the body becomes healthy they regain their original biophonic emission.
Therefore it is extremely important to consume as much as possible unprocessed food or juices with high life energy. When we value juices with life energy then the juices we drink should NOT BE flash-pasteurized or pasteurized.
There is a reason we have the raw-food diet craze going around.
Anna Christine
Fritz-Albert Popp, Biophotons, Life energy,The Living Matrix, Cancer, Raw Food Diet, value of unpasteurized juices.
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