The only reason I participated recently in one of Mark's seminars was that I really felt in my body twitching of muscles when listening to his music during a conference call. That happened twice.
The reason I write today about the effects of his music is a radio show I listened yesterday to which warned of the dangers of our cell phones, portable phones, lap tops, blue tooth and so on. All electrical appliances emit EMF waves = electro magnetic frequencies and these can be dangerous for our body, especially the health of children.
This is VERY well known in Europe but here in North America people do not seem to be concerned about it.
Now we have help. On this link you can see under Press/Media the cell phone test.
You can experience how the music can shield you from the effects of negative influences in your environment!
His cell phone test shows it.
The first test is done prior to holding the cell phone; this is called the baseline test. The second test will be done while holding the cell phone. The third test will be done while holding the cell phone and playing the music. You will need a cell phone that is turned on and someone to help with the tests.
You will be surprised.
I have his music constantly playing when I am at the computer.
By the way ... his CDs are wonderful Christmas presents at a time where we become more and more concerned about health and especially about the health of our children.
Enjoy listening to his music
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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