Sunday, November 15, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - What to do?

What many don't seem to realize is, that something is called a syndrome, when it is not really known what causes the problem. Carpal tunnel syndrome is seen as a neurological condition that affects the functioning of the hands.
It usually manifests as numbness weakness or flexion of the thumb, or altered sensations in the thumb and the first two fingers.

I am not a medical professional, but when the root cause of a problem lies in the interruption of cell to cell communication, then I believe it makes sense to find out what might cause this interruption.

According to Chinese Medicine we have 6 meridians that go through the wrist and end in the fingertips. Should any of these meridians be affected through repetitive movements or trauma the chi-flow, blood-flow, lymph-flow, and also the nervous system could be affected.

Instead of surgery it is in my opinion better to find first with a therapist out whether the problem originates in the hand, wrist, arm, elbow, shoulder, neck, spine, and whether it can be helped with chiropractic work, CranioSacral Therapy, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Massage, or Reflexology.

Anna Christine

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