Monday, November 30, 2009

Important to Know Regarding Football Injuries

Concussions are not the only Football injuries that might cause later problems.

As a certified practitioner of Reflexology, JinShinDo® Acupressure, CranioSacral Therapy and Reconnective Healing® I become more and more concerned about the news in the radio regarding Football injuries.

How can one be proud to be tough enough to continue playing after a concussion? It seems the parents and the trainers have no idea what might happen to these young men 10 20, 30, 40 years later ... perhaps Alzheimers, Parkinson's or MS.

Not only the concussions are dangerous, also injuries of the spine can cause brain problems later on.

One of the 10 most common injuries listed are Cervical spine injury. The violent, high-velocity impact that makes fans cheer is the same one that causes back and spinal cord injury. Just ask anyone who's ever had six players jump on top of him and the football.

The meridian that runs parallel of the spine goes across the head and ends up in the eyes. When the energy flow (Chi-flow) is impeded then it may cause tens of years later the before mentioned MS, Parkinson's perhaps also Alzheimers.
I am not a medical doctor but I have a lot of training, experience and intuition.

Do you know for example that basketball may cause trembling of the hands?

All I can recommend is to either go to a good practitioner who does the therapies I practice to get the body back into homeostasis.

Anna Christine

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Death Starts in the Colon !

How can death start in the Colon?

Dr. Bernard Jensen mentions this sentence somewhere in his book ‘Dr. Jensens Guide to Better Bowel Care‘. He is VERY serious about the necessity of 2-3 eliminations PER DAY.
One after every meal.

Most of us don’t like to talk about this issue and I wonder how many doctors have the time to ask how often the patient has a bowel movement. They would have to ask very specifically because when we eliminated our whole life only every other day then we believe that is regular and normal and tell the doctor ‘I very am regular’

What we don’t take into consideration is that our whole life style is very different from what it was in the past, when we walked,cycled, and worked on our farms or in our gardens.

We should eat as close to nature as possible, which means a lot of raw food. We need fruits and vegetables to get fiber into our digestive system.

An accumulation of feces in our large intestines will result over time in a lot of toxins. These toxins seep through the intestinal wall into our body and cause all kinds of health problems which the average person will never relate to a plugged up colon.

Therefore I really like this specific juice for weight loss because it also helps to clear metabolic toxins beside 26 other benefits and provides an intestinal cleansing action so gentle that one can use it every day. The amazing fact with this juice is that 60 ml in an eight ounce glass of water have in no way a thick texture but the fiber content is nearly double of the leading fiber supplements. I have no idea how this works; probably it thickens when it gets in contact with the stomach fluid.
Drinking enough water is a necessity for all of us to have a proper functioning body.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Weight Loss - Your Skin has to Adapt too !

Weight Loss – think of your skin.

It seems people do not think about what happens with their skin when they lose weight too fast. Yes, it is nice to see results quickly, I enjoyed it too that I had lost in 3 weeks 12 lbs, but losing only 12 lbs is easier for the skin than losing 30 lbs or more. The skin cannot always adapt that quickly and might hang beneath the belly like a flap when one loses in a month 30 lbs. Actually I know somebody where that was the case.

When we lose weight in a healthy way (that might be a little slower) then the skin has time to adapt.

I believe the more we are asked to make only smaller changes
in our daily diet the easier it is for us to continue with our weightloss. Only when the diet is too bad then here have to be bigger changes.

I tried TAIslim and loved it because I could continue with my usual eating habits. I was not so hungry anymore which made it much easier to let go of the evening snacks.

There is a Weight Management Plan that gives instructions how to eat, but since my eating habits were quite ok I did follow it only a little bit, but drank a lot of water to get rid of the toxins that were set free by losing my tummy fat.

Of course we have to move, exercise, drink water and get enough sleep. What is really great is the energy one has drinking this juice, so that one actually wants to be active. This seems to be unusual, I heard from others they were always tired when on other weight loss programs or diets.Lucky me!

Anna Christine

Monday, November 23, 2009

Benefits of the Energy Drink Chi-3

The Drink Chi-3 Energy

What I really like about this drink Chi-3 Energy
is, that it contains amino acids and B vitamins.

Being a half-hearted vegetarian I do not get my daily meat and therefore I like the amino acid content. Half hearted means I eat eggs, butter, fish, and sometimes lamb or chicken.

Great are also the B vitamins, with time is moving faster and faster so many of us are in constant stress and the body just needs more of these B vitamins.

On longer trips I always take now these little Chi-3 bottles with me.
Sometimes I wonder whether I would be still be here for my clients or sitting at the computer when we would have a different pavements in the Rockies. The RRRRRRRRRRR woke me at least 5 times up when I drove 10 years ago to Edmonton.

Now, nobody has to worry that I might end up in heaven because I always have these little Chi-3 Energy drinks with me.

The other three juices Hmalayan Goji Juice, GoChi and the new JULE of the Orient all give us energy, BUT they need to be in a cool box.

The little Chi-3 Energy bottles one just opens and drinks when needed…. That is perfect and I love it!

Anna Christine

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rugby Players and their Head Injuries

Head Injuries of Rugby Players and their Consequences.

This is a short notice to make all athletes, especially the Ruby players aware about the long term effects of injuries they sustain, especially head injuries.

I remember a 17 year old teenager who had several blockages of the Chi flow (energy flow) on his head so that I asked him how he is doing in school.
His answer confirmed my findings. He was actually pretty concerned about his memory and the ability to focus for longer times on a task, because he had noticed in school how this affected his grades.

He was at that time moving to Vancouver and all I could say was: “Please, when you don’t want to have very early problems with your mental function then go in Vancouver every six months to a certified practitioner who does similar work”. CranioSacral Therapy, Acupressure and Reflexology. I can only hope he did go.

Anna Christine

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How Music Protects our Health

The only reason I participated recently in one of Mark's seminars was that I really felt in my body twitching of muscles when listening to his music during a conference call. That happened twice.

The reason I write today about the effects of his music is a radio show I listened yesterday to which warned of the dangers of our cell phones, portable phones, lap tops, blue tooth and so on. All electrical appliances emit EMF waves = electro magnetic frequencies and these can be dangerous for our body, especially the health of children.

This is VERY well known in Europe but here in North America people do not seem to be concerned about it.

Now we have help. On this link you can see under Press/Media the cell phone test.

You can experience how the music can shield you from the effects of negative influences in your environment!

His cell phone test shows it.
The first test is done prior to holding the cell phone; this is called the baseline test. The second test will be done while holding the cell phone. The third test will be done while holding the cell phone and playing the music. You will need a cell phone that is turned on and someone to help with the tests.

You will be surprised.
I have his music constantly playing when I am at the computer.

By the way ... his CDs are wonderful Christmas presents at a time where we become more and more concerned about health and especially about the health of our children.

Enjoy listening to his music
Anna Christine

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Spiritual Health and Wellness Conference

We'll have in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada on November 20. and 21. 2009 a Spiritual Health and Wellness Conference.

It is the first of its kind and takes place in The Grand Hotel,4898 Rutherford Road, Nanaimo, BC
That is beside the Rutherford Mall.

The Conference Program includes the following
A portion of the proceeds from all workshops and seminars go to Nanaimo Haven Society
Select and pay per workshop / seminar or
Purchase an all-day pass (Saturday only): $90.00/pers
Pass is non-transferable and non-refundable
We accept payment in cash only

Friday November 20, 2009

7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Conference Opening and Fundraiser for the Haven Society: $30/pers

Demystifying the mystical: an introduction to energy, vibration and mediumship by Ara Parisien

As a MĂ©tis woman, Ara is passionate about the spiritual and social development and equality of women.
This promises to be an educating, exciting and uplifting evening filled with empowerment, encouragement, healing tears and laughter. Energy, vibration, mediumship and a number of topics ranging from clairvoyance to spirit guides will be covered.

Ever wonder what your animal totem is or how to connect with your spirit guide? Curious about what happens during a mediumship session? Then join us for the Conference opener!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Everyone’s Guide to Meditation and Self Healing Beth and John Yim – Emerald Room. By donation

11 - Noon Discovering your Intuitive Potential
Ara Parisien – Emerald Room. $20/pers

1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Dream Interpretation
Ara Parisien – Emerald Room. $20/pers

2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Unleash the Spirit WithinAra Parisien – Emerald Room. $30/pers

This workshop is geared to forming a deeper understanding as to our true nature. Tools will be offered to assist in building a strong bridge from an unhappy life to a more joyful one; one that apply to everything in life

5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection Anna Christine Doehring – Emerald Room. By donation

Access a new, more comprehensive spectrum of healing than has ever been attainable prior to now!
Reconnective Healing® not only includes yet expands beyond any and all known forms of “energy” healing. The Reconnective Healing® spectrum is comprised of the full healing and evolutionary continuum of energy, light and information, and has brought about unparalleled worldwide reports of healings from serious afflictions including: Cancer, AIDS-related diseases, Epilepsy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, Cerebral Palsy, plus many mental and emotional afflictions. The Reconnection® brings in "new" axiatonal lines (a timeless network of intelligence and parallel-dimensional circulatory system) that enable us to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and, ultimately, for our evolution. The Reconnection® activates these new lines, allowing for the exchange of energy, light and information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the reintegration of 'strings'.

7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Mediumship Session
Ara Parisien – Emerald Room. $20/pers

In this seminar, also known as Bridging Sessions, psychic medium Ara Parisien bridges not only the Past with the Now and the Now with the Future, but also the Seen with the Unseen. A Bridging Session is a powerful tool that connects one with loved ones who have taken flight to the other side. Through Spirit, Ara can offer their messages of inspiration, encouragement and love to members of the audience. This is a comforting and powerful experience.

Haven Society provides services to women, children, youth and families who have experienced violence. This Conference opener will support the work and mission of Haven Society which is to promote the integrity and safety of women, children, youth and families and the development of a respectful and healthy community.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - What to do?

What many don't seem to realize is, that something is called a syndrome, when it is not really known what causes the problem. Carpal tunnel syndrome is seen as a neurological condition that affects the functioning of the hands.
It usually manifests as numbness weakness or flexion of the thumb, or altered sensations in the thumb and the first two fingers.

I am not a medical professional, but when the root cause of a problem lies in the interruption of cell to cell communication, then I believe it makes sense to find out what might cause this interruption.

According to Chinese Medicine we have 6 meridians that go through the wrist and end in the fingertips. Should any of these meridians be affected through repetitive movements or trauma the chi-flow, blood-flow, lymph-flow, and also the nervous system could be affected.

Instead of surgery it is in my opinion better to find first with a therapist out whether the problem originates in the hand, wrist, arm, elbow, shoulder, neck, spine, and whether it can be helped with chiropractic work, CranioSacral Therapy, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Massage, or Reflexology.

Anna Christine

Friday, November 13, 2009

Anastasia - The Ringing Cedar Series

These books are addicitve.
Since one year I am reading with interest the Ringing Cedars series or Anastasia. This series offers a glimpse of what the future could look like.

Did you know that the Russians only survived all the difficult times, because they litterally garden everywhere, even sometimes at the side of the street.

It is so important to use our gardens to grow iur own food, as 70% of the Russians do. Recommendations how to do that are in the first book. This food will have so much life energy. We need this life energy for our health and the communication of our cells.

There is a post that includes information on "Healing Gardens" ... more about this in another post.
I hope this material may help everybody to realise that we have in our gardens soil and not dirt ..... this soil in our garden might help us one day to survive when all the hybrid plants succumbed to various diseases.

The future can be so bright when we chose to work per week 19 hours in the garden as the Russians do instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer.

Here is the Brief Introduction to the Anastasia Books
The story began in 1994 on the bank of the River Ob amidst the endless
expanses of the Siberian taiga. The well-known Siberian entrepreneur
Vladimir Megre met with two elderly gentlemen who told him about the amazing
properties of the Siberian cedar (also known in the West as the Siberian
pine). At first he didn't pay much attention to what they told him, but as
he continued to reflect on it, Vladimir began to discover, in the historical
and scientific literature he examined, more and more evidence supporting
their words. Finally he decided to organize an expedition with a fleet of
river steamers. The expedition was ostensibly for commercial purposes, but
in actual fact his overriding motivation was to find the elders again and
learn more about the secrets of the cedar.

This incredible series of books has already been a massive seller in Russia
and we interviewed the publisher of the English translations, Leonid
Sharashkin, at the Science and Consciousness Conference in Santa Fe, where
everyone was spell bound by the information.

Many people ask if Anastasia is "real". Leonid answers simply, that it
doesn't really matter whether there is a human being called Anastasia
somewhere in the Siberian Taiga, as long as the information connects with
the part of all of us that is all-knowing. Once you read the books, you will

Click this link for an interview on this series

Anna Christine