Monday, February 18, 2019

Pleasure or Happiness

Does not Pleasure is the same as happiness. I not fun the same as joy? Many believe it is the same but it is not. There is  a big difference.

We have fun and/or experience pleasure from something external. -- a good movie, having sex, a great party. The danger is that  Fun and Pleasure cause the secretion of dopamine but do not last.  Be become wired to chase the reward, which is Dopamine. The result is that we are constantly craving more alcohol, controlling others,  more drugs, more money, more sex ... more more more 

Joy and/or happiness is an inner state of being. They are inner spiritual values.  When we live in this state of consciousness kindness, unconditional love, caring and compassion are the result.. The happiness molekule is Serotonin.

That is the secret  inside your brain The corporations have totally hacked your brain. You have lost your  inner contentment, your inner happiness. Instead you are chasing the next pleasure providing carrot  ... which is their product..

I have to think of something what Dr. Jakob Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge - The Keys of Enoch, said

The chakras 1,2 and 3 got manipulated
which means we follow our gut-responses ... the feeling I need to buy, money, sex, and power.
Intro into Chakras next time ... they are energy centres of our body, ruling different emotions.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
PS.: There is a way out ... check the websites

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