We store in our fat cells toxins. When we loose weight too quickly by burning fat then these toxins are set free. This is a danger for our kidneys and the liver.
Twenty years ago I was involved with a Network Marketing company because they had excellent products for the digestive system and against parasites. Then they brought a product on the market. Tests had proven it was very effective. Everybody was excited.
Many people who want to lose weight do not seem to know about the dangers of fast weight loss. The customers who wanted to loose weight took to many capsules. The result was that the kidneys could not handle the load of toxins and the body retained water. The kidneys needed the water to flush the toxins out. With retaining so much water the people gained weight - massively - so massively that the company took the product of the market.
Recently I listened to a call about how to detoxify and the problem seems to be that it can happen the bile flow is restricted. Eating foods with a bitter taste helps the bile production and the bile flow.
Bitter foods are for example dandelion, asparagus, coffee, bitter melon, wild cucumber, celery, Arugula and other salads, kohlrabi, and vinegar.
I put every day dandelions in my green salad. Sometimes I make tea. Recently a Chinese neighbour told me that she steams dandelion leaves a bit, puts them then in a frying pan and fries them for a short time together with an egg. I tried it and really liked it.
Because we live in such a toxic world that is hard on our liver and the kidneys I drink every day from nettle, dandelion and horsetail. A Herbalist told me to use only the young plants.
Here you will find more information about horsetail https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/herbs-and-spices/horsetail.html
Remember it is best to slowly loose weight and eat bitter foods during the time of weight loss..
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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