Here is another sentence from Dr. Mercola's Newsletter about chicken ... it is about the health benefits of eggs - that include the egg yolk -
".. When raised the way nature intended, both chicken and their eggs are healthy surces of high quality nutrients that many are deficient in - especially high-quality protein and healthy fat. ...
they also contain carotenoids, such as lutein and zeaxanthin which are important for good eyesight, and choline, which is needed for the normal development of memory, as welll as betaine, tryptophan and tyrosine, all of which are important for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Cholestero is also important for health, and contrary to popular belief, the cholesterol in eggs will not adversely affect your cholesterol levels..."
Dr. Matthias Rath told during a lecture in 2001 in Berlin - 2000 attended - that the body forms Cholesterol only when it is needed as a bandaid when the skin quality of the blood vessels is poor.
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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