Saturday, January 30, 2016

How to Stay Healthy?

As much as I know that Reconnective Healing®, Reflexology, JinShinDo® Acupressure and CranioSacral Therapy are effective - to stay healthy and also to regain health it is most important to eat the right food.

Many do not seem to know what that is which surprises me because every animal that is not together with humans know what is best to eat.

Dr. Mercola recommends in his  NEWSLETTER beside other things:

  • Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants
  • Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food
  • Eat only foods that will eventually spoil or rot
  • Go easy on the meat, and eat only high quality grass-fed/grass-finished or pastured meats
When you believe you have to drink milk to have strong bones then think of elephants - as far as I know the grown-up elephants eat only plants.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Nutritional Benefits from Organic Eggs from Happy Chicken

Here is another sentence from Dr. Mercola's Newsletter about chicken ... it is about the health benefits of eggs -  that include the egg yolk -

".. When raised the way nature intended, both chicken and their eggs are healthy surces of high quality nutrients that many are deficient in - especially high-quality protein and healthy fat. ...
they also contain carotenoids, such as lutein and zeaxanthin which are important for good eyesight, and choline, which is needed for the normal development of memory, as welll as betaine, tryptophan and tyrosine, all of which are important for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Cholestero is also important for health, and contrary to popular belief, the cholesterol in eggs will not adversely affect your cholesterol levels..."

Dr. Matthias Rath told during a lecture in 2001 in Berlin - 2000 attended - that the body forms Cholesterol only when it is needed as a bandaid when the skin quality of the blood vessels is poor.

Anna Christine

Which ones are the best Organic Eggs?

The following sentence from the Dr. Mercola Newsletter 

" ...The Cornucopia Institute addressed these issues in a recent egg report. According to Mark Kastel, co-founder of the Cornucopia Institute, there's a factory farm takeover of the egg industry underway, with large CAFOs now controlling 80 percent of the organic egg market...."
 raised my curiosity and I went to the recommended website to find out how the eggs are raed that I am buying in Canada.

Unfortunately is only rating eggs sold in the USA, but ther is a lot of interesting information on the website about jogurt, milk .and more.

It is worth investigating

Anna Christine Doehring 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

How to get ahead in the professional life?

One of the keys to a professional career are excellent communication skills ...  many young people are lacking them because instead of talking with each other they send text messages.

Our Malaspina Toastmasters Club #738    which is the oldest in Nanaimo offers even more because members with interesting professions give life tips  ...
for example about fitness, nutrition,  real estate, financial investing,  what actually causes later in life health problems, why Acupuncture and Acupressure help, what Reflexology is all about.

When you are lucky enough to live in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC then contact us or just come. We meet every Tuesday at 7.00 am.
The location is at Country Grocer at 1800, Dufferin Crescent corner Bowen Road, in the Community Board Room above the cafe on the right side of the building.

If you have questions please contact Shari Berry 250-618-7231

Anna Christine