Friday, April 26, 2013

Are There Bedbugs in Hospitals?

Another reason to do everything to stay healthy ... not only that people are afraid of resistant bacteria now they have to worry about bedbugs when the have to go to hospital.

Actually it is not surprising ... when people have bed bugs at home they might carry them wherever they go.
One of my aunts who was in the concentration camp Theresienstadt wrote in her memoirs that they had to leave their sleeping quaters every few months (I forgot whether it was every 1, 2 or 3 months) because the barraks got gased to eliminate bed bugs and other bugs.

Because of that I wonder whether the fumes of the new chemical AsepticSure that is now used in hospitals is not bad for our health.

We are living beings and everything that kills another living being ... might be not so good for us.
Here are the details

Anna Christine

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reconnective Healing®/The Reconnection® - Workshop - Nanaimo

Invitation - Information Workshop
All You Need to Know About Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®
Dr. Eric Pearl's Bio – The six critical statements - Why it is Rejuvenating – Why DNA heals faster with RH than with other modalities – Science behind RH - Why it is different from Energy Healing – The importance for this time period – Q & A
Date: Saturday, April 27th, 2013

Time: 3 pm – 5 pm

Admission: FREE
Location: at Anna Christine’s home office, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, , please contact 250-756-2235 for the address.
Quantum Physicists: “this is the first time that we measured frequencies (energies) beyond the 4th dimension”.

This is important in regard to EMR (electro-magnetic radiation). What I mean is that more and more of our health problems might be caused by the Electro-Magnetic Radiation we are constantly exposed to. All electrical appliances emmit radiation. More damaging is WiFi. In some European schools they are taking WiFi now out of schools.

Additional to this we have now the Smart Meters with their intense pulsating technology.

The Doctors of Chinese Medicine who practice Pulse Diagnostic are very concerned.

Reconncetive Healing and The Reconnection might be one of the answers and that is the reason I decided to give this workshop.

  “As a physician and a neuro-scientist, I have been trained to know why and how a treatment works. When it comes to Reconnective Healing, I don’t know how it works. I simply know from personal experience that it does...” -Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D., Ph.D.

“Reconnective Healing is a phenomenon in the world of healing.” -Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field, The Intention Experiment, The BOnd

Anna Christine

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Electric Garage Door Openers and Smart Meters

Hi. in a mail from a friend was the following about the interference of Smart Meters and electronics in the house. This concerns me a lot, also  because it seems that more and more people are getting Pace Makers.

"...Many people are not aware that wireless devices interfere with electronics, but they do. In my neighbourhood where we have multiple cell and FM transmitters close by, garage doors open and close by themselves in the middle of the night or when no one is home; electric beds move/readjust themselves; many electrical devices won’t work, e.g. garage door openers; electronic locks on car doors don’t work; PVRs record static, etc. Here is a site with many such anecdotes, many of which involve medical devices. The stories provided are not recent, but please be aware that the problems have not been fixed, and they will become more common as more wireless devices are installed in or near our homes. In some rural parts of BC the internet services have been compromised by the “dumb’ meters, requiring major revisions by Shaw, for one. ..."

Dr. Klinghardt from Seattle mentioned that so many people in the USA, and I assume it is not very different in Canada, have very little education in science ... and therefore they do not understand the dangers of these Smart Meters.

Anna Christine

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dangers of Cellphone Towers and Smart Meters

Recently I learned that a few students of the Vancouver Island University in Nanaime had committed suicide. The person that told  that was wondering it it might have been caused by the Cellphone Tower that was installed a few years ago beside the university.

I checked google and found the website from EMR Health Alliance of BC

Obviously the population in Canada begins to wake up and is realising the health dangers from EMR.

What many do not know is, that it takes 5 years before cancer is showing up in higher numbers. Therefore the people often do not make the connection.

These electro-magnetic radiations cause according to also:
  •  headaches,
  •  cancer
  •  loss of hair,
  •  insomnia,
  •  depression,
  •  dizziness,
  •  hypochondria,
  •  anxiety, 
  •  impotence,
  •  lack of concentration
  •  fatigue,
  •  thyroid enlargement,
  •  seizures, convulsions,
  •  restlessness,
  •  scalp sensations,
  •  chest pain,
  •  increased irritability,
  •  increased appetite,
  •  an effect on pituitary function
Therefore I believe it is important to reduce processed foods, to eat as healthy as possible and also to reduce the exposure to WiFi and  EMR as much as possible.

Anna Christine

Friday, April 5, 2013

Knee Surgery - Yes or No?

Just reading an article from Dr. Mercola I was very excited that doctors now are educating the public.

One of my teachers, an Orthopedic Surgeon, said already 14 years ago one should opt for knee surgery only when absolutely necessary.

She told about the research done. Patients with knee pain believed they had undergone knee surgery. In reallity the skin was only cut and stitched up, nothing was done to the meniscus ... and, oh wonder, the knee got better.

A few months ago a friend from Berlin, an olympic runner, told me that he goes regularly to the gym to be fit for another hip surgery. I was not too happy. A few weeks later he wrote that his hip had improved because of the regular training and he will not have the surgery.
Voila - that is the same what some doctors have realized now.

And why is that happening?  Because  training and exercise improve the Chi-Flow (energy flow) and the blood circulation  in the area and then the body is able to heal itself.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Side Effects of Ascorbic Acid

In my last post I wrote that it is healthier to drink the juice from fresh pressed lemons with water instead of takingh ascorbic acid.
Recently I read that ascorbic acid is actually made from corn. I learned also that most corn on the market is GMO corn (gene manipulated).
Which means that ascorbic acid might cause in the body what GMO corn is causing
My decision ... because of this I will never again take ascorbic acid. I also do not eat any corn or pop corn.
The following side effects are from the website below, they show that the body is sometimes unhappy to get only one component of natural Vitamin C.
  • Diarrhia
  • Upset Stomach
  • Diurethic Effects
Conclusion: The closer we eat to nature the better for our health.
Anna Christine