Monday, May 21, 2012

What Means Pesticide Free?

Edward Groth writes on " The terms "organic" or "organically grown" indicate that the food has been produced without synthetic pesticides and also without synthetic fertilizers..."

Every time I read something like this I wonder  Do people not know that we have Pesticides and Herbicides? Dpm't they know about the difference between these two?

Herbicides contain toxins against herbs ... obviously they put a weed into the category of herbs ... For example: Dandalions are a herb but many see it as a weed.

Pesticides are against pests which are little critters like aphids.

and then there are
Fungicides which  are against fungus (plural fungi) but they are never mentioned.and I do not know which category includes them. Fruit trees can be affected by fungi

Therefore I am concerned when only the word Pesticide is used because it does not include Herbicides and Fungicides and I am sure the lawyers know that.

We have to start thinking ... actually electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and the Fluoride in most of our toothpastes affects our brain negatively.
Fluoride is different from the mineral  Fluor.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

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