Do you know about the effects of negative ions on your energy level?
If not then better get informed.
Years ago I read at my uncle's place in Quebec a book about the benefits of negative ions.
He probably had the book because the son of his friends had developed the BIONAIRE Air purifier which releases negative ions in the air.
Russians and Israelis were running research with their Olympic teams to see whether their performance improved with the release of negative ions in their rooms.
Most people do not know anything about negative ions.
The night air contains more of them as the air during the day.
Therefore we have to open the window during the night. ... but this helps only when the curtains are from cotton or are pulled to the side.
Synthetic fibers attract negative ions ... it follows that curtains mmade from synthetic fibers reduce the amount of negative ions in the room.
The same applies to synthetic cloths.
My mother had already 50 years ago in her bookbindery an instrument that emmitted negative ions and since she had installed it the sickness rate of her employees went drastically down.
Therefore ... ways to improve your energy level might be To open during the night the windows
Have curtains from cotton
Have bedding from cotton
Wear cloths from cotton
Seems the Russians and the Israelis are always ahead of the game. They are also very interested in Reconnective Healing. The Russians tested it on their Pre-Olympic Team and the Israelis in the largest hospital for sick children in Tel Aviv. Doctors, Nurses and children were learning it.
Anna Christine
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