Saturday, February 4, 2012

Smart Meters - are they Really Harmful?

Tja, I must admit I am surprised how sometimes people who seem intelligent believe they are not harmful.
They obviously have not heard about the Last Drop in The Bucket or The Last Straw on the Caml's Back.

That is very sad. We never know who and when we will be unable to handle microwave/radio-frequencies anymore.

For the ones who want information check

For both, the ones who do not want them and also the ones who still believe 'the earth is flat'

WE CAN NOW VOTE ... no no, that is not a governmental vote, seems as if the media is getting interested.

Are you worried about smart meters? - The Province - Opinion Poll:
(Please Vote!)

[Castlegar, BC] Do you think FortisBC should go ahead with the smart meters? - Castlegar News - Opinion Poll:
(Please Vote!)

[Surrey, BC] Worrying about smart meters isn't smart by Daniel McCully - The Province - February 02, 2012:
- (Please Comment)

We really live in an interesting time (remember that is a Chinese Curse)
Lets hope the acceleration of positive energies (this is called The Shift) is victorious
Anna Christine

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