Listening to an interview about the new feature documentary Pink Ribbons, Inc. my first thought was "finally they have realized the dangers of all these Pink Ribbons" ... Many might think ... "What is the danger?" ....
the danger is FEAR and THE LAW OF ATTRACTION ... but the movie is unfortunately only about the involvement of corporations and their financial interests.
In Canada alone are 60 corporations connected with the Cancer Research Institute. The producer said it might be worldwide thousands.
I assume that everybody who reads this has heard about The Law of Attrraction and VISION BOARDS. We put on Vision Boards pictures of things we want to achieve or get in life. Some put these pictures also on the mirror and the kitchen cupboard doors.
The goal is to think a lot of our desires ... our vision.
Conclusion ... the more PINK RIBBONS we see the better we manifest what they represent.
Is your vision to have breast cancer? This is what Pink Ribbons might manifest.
Most likely every woman who sees a Pink Ribbon thinks of breast cancer and becomes fearful. Even I, who has nobody in the family with these 'apparent genes' thinks of it. I think of it even when I see blue or yellow ribbons ... because I am angry about this TRAP for women.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the book The Power of Belief from Bruce Lipton and watch the movie THRIVE to see what is going on.
Very concerned
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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