Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Who Eats GMO Foods? Humans or Animals?

The Germans don't like foods that contain glyphosates and have banned them. Here in Canada and America one can buy them.

Because it is so complicate to explain ... here is the link to an interview from Dr. Mercole with Dr. Huber about GMO foods.

Animals don't eat GMO foods when given the choice ... so much about the inner knowing or the intelligence of human.

It is in corn, cotton, soy and recently in alfalfa.
A man at the Superstore told me he was in India and the elephants do not want to eat GMO cotton.

Dr. Huber: "12 g per acre reduces the absorption of iron by 50%" also of manganese and zink.
The whole interview is very interesting and listening to it. Beside the pesticides the foods do not contain enough nutrients.

Therefore I am not surprised that so many are overweight. They do not get enough nutrients and the body is always hungry.

I use only olive oil and organic butter and as crackers I eat crispbread from Wasa or crackers with sunfloweroil.

Oh, Dr. Huber just talked about 40 new plant diseases they had before unter control... and animals are dying from botulism toxins because the residue of glyphosates kills in their intestines organisms that fight botulism.
He just said glyphosate nullifies all disease resistance.

You have to listen to it. I am going to bed now.

Dr. Mercola "Does it interfere with our gut ecology?"
Dr. Huber "the research is not done with humans yet, but the deficiency in minerals causes disease." One knows that it affects the guts of animals.

Wise Owl

Friday, January 27, 2012

Movie Pink Ribbons, Inc. - Law of Attraction

Listening to an interview about the new feature documentary Pink Ribbons, Inc. my first thought was "finally they have realized the dangers of all these Pink Ribbons" ... Many might think ... "What is the danger?" ....

the danger is FEAR and THE LAW OF ATTRACTION ... but the movie is unfortunately only about the involvement of corporations and their financial interests.

In Canada alone are 60 corporations connected with the Cancer Research Institute. The producer said it might be worldwide thousands.

I assume that everybody who reads this has heard about The Law of Attrraction and VISION BOARDS. We put on Vision Boards pictures of things we want to achieve or get in life. Some put these pictures also on the mirror and the kitchen cupboard doors.

The goal is to think a lot of our desires ... our vision.
Conclusion ... the more PINK RIBBONS we see the better we manifest what they represent.
Is your vision to have breast cancer? This is what Pink Ribbons might manifest.

Most likely every woman who sees a Pink Ribbon thinks of breast cancer and becomes fearful. Even I, who has nobody in the family with these 'apparent genes' thinks of it. I think of it even when I see blue or yellow ribbons ... because I am angry about this TRAP for women.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the book The Power of Belief from Bruce Lipton and watch the movie THRIVE to see what is going on.

Very concerned
Anna Christine

Movie Pink Ribbons, Inc. - Law of Attraction

A few minutes ago I listened to an interview about the feature documentary PINK RIBBONS, Inc. At the beginning I was excited believing the movie would address a very important 'by-product' of all these Pink Ribbons .... this by-product is fear and the Law of Attraction.

Fear of all the women who believe they have to get breast cancer because a family member had it.
A while ago I saw a photo from a young dancer who got both her breasts amputated because several family members had breast cancer. Is nobody reading the books from Bruce Lipton and his opinion on the gene theory??

But film is about the corporations that are involved and want to make money by putting a Pink Ribbon on the box. There are 60 corporations in Canada and the filproducer said there are probably thousands worldwide

I assume that everybody who reads this knows about the Law of Attraction and Vision Boards. We put on a this board pictures from things we want sooner or later to achieve or to get ... and we put the picture there and perhaps also on the mirror and the kitchen cupboard so that we think often of our desires and manifest them faster.

NOW - what is done to the women by putting Pink Ribbons everywehere.

Can't you see it??? PLEASE start realising what is going on.
Please read 'Biology of Belief' from Bruce Lipton and watch also the movie THRIVE

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reconnective Healing - Cerebral Palsy in THE LIVING MATRIX - Nanaimo

Special Movie Presentation, “The Living Matrix”,

An interesting film that shows us what is possible regarding HEALING

Friday, January 27th, 7:00 p.m. and

Sunday, January 29th, 12:30 p.m.,
with a pizza lunch by donation

Location: 2325 East Wellington, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6V7

Movie: $10.00

This new documentary challenges conventional medicine. Evidence-based research in bioenergetic medicine reveals energy and information fields – and NOT GENETICS – drive human physiology and biochemistry.

It shows that Quantum biology influences our health. Personal interviews tell the stories of people who recovered from chronic illness – including a five-year-old boy born with cerebral palsy who received a Reconnective Healing session by Dr. Eric Pearl,, an osteopathic doctor with a brain tumor, and a North Carolina housewife bedridden with chronic fatigue syndrome – the film demonstrates the effectiveness of bioenergetic medicine.

This movie shows what is possible in the field of healing and by many not known yet.

Please contact me for more information or write to unitynan@shaw.ca

Anna Christine
PS.: More about Reconnective Healing on www.ReconnectionToTheCosmos.com

Monday, January 23, 2012

Is There Help For Infertility

Before spending money for Holistic Health Practitioners ... Yes I know, I am one of them ... watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eilDbdLAyFs
and check your eating habits.

Do you eat Popcorn, crackers that contain corn, or use GMO products like Canola Oil or soy products?
Actually most crackers contain Canola oil or corn.

I had the sarkastic thought "it is strange how the planet is taking care that there are not too many of us, because so many of us are destroying the planet."

Anna Christine

Friday, January 20, 2012

Stress - Anxiety - Sleeping Problems? Fifth Dimensional Healing for 2012 -

The first experience of Reconnective Healing® which is Fifth Dimensional Healing is Calmness - reducing stress and relieving anxiety ... very important for 2012, because so many are concerned about December 21, 2012.

What is so important about Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®?
The Relevance of two chapters from ‘The Book of Knowledge – The Keys of Enoch’, by J.J.Hurtak

Anna Christine will talk during this free two-hour workshop how Dr. Eric Pearl was able to do Recocnnective Healing, what it is all about, the difference between Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection, Scientific Research.
A Q and A period will follow.

Reconnective Healing goes according to Quantumphysicists beyond the 4th dimension … and exactly that is what we need now.

The next workshop will be
Saturday, January 28th, 2012 at 3 pm at my home-office.

Please contact me so that I know how many will come because space is limited. Contact info is on the website below

Anna Christine

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Is Honey Healthy?

To be honest ... I was surprised when I read November 19, 2011 in the Nanimo News Bulletin that honey is most likely only healthy when one buys honey locally ... Then we know what we get.

Food Safety News published the results of tests that showed that the honey bought mostly in stores is NOT honey.
Over 3/4 of the honey could not pass safety standards established by the World Health Organization. It came mostly from China and India

WHY did it not pass the safety standards?? . . . Because pollen particles were carefully filtered out. They are the healthy part of the honey and they also show where a honey comes from. The pollen is taken out so that animal antibiotics and other contaminants cannot be found and traced to the land of origin

Therefore it is best to buy honey loclly directly from a beekeeper.

For Vancouver Island check HERE.
You will find there Theo Fredrich from Fredrich's Honey

Anna Christine

Monday, January 16, 2012

Energydrinks and Hospitalization

Nov. 24, 2011 I read in the Nanaimo Daily News that hospitalization because of energydrink consumption jumped in the USA from
1.128 visits in 2005 to
13.114 visits in 2009 ... most patients were males between 18 and 39

Now this is scary. A few years ago I read the labels of some of these energy drinks and I wondered how anybody even think about drinking that.

When needed I drink the Energy Drink Chi-3. The 2 ounce bottle contains also ONE Ounce GoChi and Vitamin B 12.

The Vitamin B12 is the reasons I drink it from time to time, or when I have to drive longer distances.

Try it you' ll enjoy it, especially how smooth the transition is from low energy to energy and also how long it lasts.
Anna Christine

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Competition - Losing Weight and Having a Chance to Win Money

This is a reminder of a Weight Loss Competition with 1.000.000 in prizes ... for all the ones who want to lose weight and need a little 'activator' ... a little kick in the butt to get started.

The revolutionary, quadruple patent pending weight management formula, TAIslim™, is unveiled at the January 2009 Business Launch generating a wave of astounding results. TAIslim helps you to reach and maintain a healthy weight by fighting abdominal fat, enhancing your metabolism, helping to control your appetite, and cleansing and replenishing your body.

My experience was with TAIslim alone, but now there is TAIslim® SKINNYs™ :
Deemed Fat’s Newest Enemy, TAIslim® SKINNYs™ debuted in April. Delicious sugar-free SKINNYs are scientifically designed to help you feel full for hours. TAIslim SKINNYs are the perfect snack to help you manage your weight.

This is a 90 Day Challenge to lose weight and win money. Check all the details HERE

Hopefully you find this on time. If not .. then try it anyway to feel again good about yourself.

Anna Christine

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Natural Vitamins and Synthetic Vitamins - Difference

On Pam Edgar's weekly Radio Show ‘Living For The Health of It’
on CHLY 101.7 FM Radio Malaspina Nanaimo

I will talk this time about what is important to know about natuural vitamins and synthetic vitamins.

I will be on
The show is Tuesday, January 10th , 2012 from 3 – 4 pm

The whole show is always from 2 pm - 4 pm. On the Tuesdays I am on somebbody else will be there from 2 pm - 3 pm.

Here are the former Shows and their content- Theu are available to listen on the CHLY website, under the ‘Podcast’ button on the right,there will be a link to the menu.

August - the dangers of an acidic body
September - a common link between sleep apnea, snoring, incontinence and acidic reflux which I discovered during my work and my life.
October - fluoride and also Smart-Meters.
November - Sport injuries, especially concussions

The total length of the show is from 2 pm – 4 pm – there will be another speaker from 2 pm – 3 pm.

If you have any questions you can call in during the show. The number will be announced.

Hope you have time to listen
Anna Christine