Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hannah's Penny Project.

Listen to Shiral Tobin's interview of Hannah at The Early Edition CBC Radio I thought "Finally somegbody for whom ONE PENNY still has worth.

Hannah started her Penny Project for buying food for Wilson Heights United Church and First United Church on Vancouver’s downtown eastside.

I wondered:
How many people live on Vancouver Island?
We are 734,860 ... when each of us would give 10 Cent per week, then we would have 73,486.00$ Seventythreethousand Dollar per week for the Foodbanks.
Yes, I know there are children and very old people ... but each of the others could easilyt spare ONE Dollar per week.

We have to start thinking of others. When the Trillionaires are not doing it we have to do it ... one day they'll wake up ... the world is changing ... rapidly changing ...!

Anna Christine

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Smart Meters - Can we Stop Them?

Today I got this mail and was very excited that the first polititian takes action against all the others

"Dear Friends,
Please sign this petition to halt the installation of wireless Smart Meters in BC.
Please do so by Tuesday.
NDP Energy Critic John Horgan will take all your signatures
(online and hard copy)
into the Victoria Legislature on November 24 and demand a halt to BC
Hydro's Smart Meter
Program. We already have 5,000+ signatures. Would be nice to reach


And here is my blog posting on the subject of Smart Meters:

Please forward this message.
Stay strong, live long!
Kim Goldberg"

All together we can achieve anything!
Anna Christine

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Mouse for Laptop is NOT working - Smart Meter Interferences

On the Portland Press Herald, November 19, Electronics on the fritz?
I found the following ... Now I know why my mouse for the laptop didn't work.
Could be smart meters well I have the thing they hung on my door nob AND there is NO such disclosure on it. it does say:

"Your electric smart meter was successfully installed. There was a brief power outage during the installation. Please check you appliances and electronic equipment to reset timers and clocks " That is it. That is all it says about your appliances and equipment .

This is the first I have heard of possible interference. IT IS NOT ON THE DOOR NOB HANGY THING Yes I kept the thing! and my USAGE has mysteriosuly gone up since it was installed-----a noticable and regular amount,

I have a clock that continuously turns off on its own. And I thought my wireless mouse wasn't working--- quite frustrating in fact.

Anna Christine
PS.: Info from Kamloops: When her meter went in she felt like she was back in chemo, vomitting, nausea... all the rest.
The day after she complained hydro came and replaced!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cell Towers Cause Cancer in Kindergarden Children.

If you haven't seen the documentary "Full Signal" yet, here's a taste of things to come, from Chicago:

This very short video gives you an idea what the microwaves/radiowaves from cell towers can cause in Kindergarden Children.

Cell towers have antennas that enable us to use our cell phones. Sometimes they are disguised as artificial trees. Every needle of the tree is an antenna and the 'tree' is 'planted' on a rolling plantform so that it can be rolled to another location when people discovered them and are opposing them because of the health dangers.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Danger - Corix installs Smart Meters -- Get Educated about Radio Waves

They are heeeere…. Corix is in town (all over Vancouver Island) going block to block and door to door replacing our perfectly good old-fashioned hydro meters with Smart Meters.

Have you boxed in your hydro meter so that it cannot be replaced without your consent? And have you posted your sign beside it saying ‘No Smart Meter’ at your address?

people are caging their meters with a wire freezer basket screwed onto their house. And still others are finding a way to padlock it.

However you do it, the point is to prevent the meter from being switched out, but still allow enough access for the meter reader to read the dials on your old meter.

Here is the link to the sign you can post beside your old hydro meter.

But the sign alone may not be enough. Reports are rolling in from all over Vancouver Island of Corix installers blatantly disregarding the posted signs on people’s homes and swapping out the old meter for a smart meter, leaving the sign plainly posted beside it.
The radiation around the meter [extends] 20 feet. It happens every three minutes.”
It takes a Corix installer a mere 10 minutes to make the switch.
The only way to prevent this abuse of your rights is to physically enclose your meter as described above.
1. Health Concerns
2. Privacy amd Security Concerns
3. Local Government Opposition
4. Job Losses
5. Your Hydro Bill

For more information, visit Citizens for Safe Technology.

Anna Christine

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dr. Magda Havas - The Truth About Wired & Wireless Technologies - Also Smart-Meters

In my last post I wrote that being in this world is like being in a microwave oven because of all the Electromagnetic Frequencies around us. I watched Dr. Magda Havas'on THIS video and she was saying the same. First Rodney Palmer was talking about WiFi in schools. Actually two deaths occured in the schools.

Magda Havas is an associate professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University. Watch Dr. Magda Havas for a primer on RF EMR:

We have to stop believing that the Media are telling the total truth. We have to do our own research. We have the internet. It seems to me that the Europeans as for example the people in Swizzerland,France, UK,Germany,Russia, and India are much more alert. They know it since a long time.

Amma Christine
PS.: On you find what you can do.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Smart Meter & Microwave Oven - Effects on Health

Dr. David Carpenter, a Harvard Medical School-trained physician says the following about Smart Meters.

Microwave Ovens were in Russia 1976 forbidden.

John St. John organized recently a protest against Smart Meters in Qualicum to get signatures of citizens that are understanding the dangers of Smart Meters and are opposing them.

During this protest I was holding up a sign "Who wants to be cooked in a Microwave Oven?"

It was areally scary to see how few people understood what I meant. Most of them were either upset not amused.

Let me explain. All our modern communication systems are emmiting microwaves and depending of their frequency they are harmful or not.

I read in a metaphysical book that microwave ovens were created to make us understand that these microwaves are 'cooking' us. KInd of makes sense. I will never have one, because then I would have to eat dead food.

Therefore I write now the third time in my Blogs about the frog that put in a pot with water will stay in it even when it gets heated up. He will stay there until he is cooked.

My other Blog is on my website

How many of these Microwaves a person can handle without harm differs from person to person. It depends in my opinion of their physical and emotional health.

Sooner or later the last drop (the last microwave) is put in the bucket and the level of electrical sensitivity is reached with all its consequences. Apparently it never goes away.

Look around ... how many have allergies? Allergies are caused by an accumulation of toxins in the body ... during my school and university time in Germany npbody had allergies. Now it seems that people expect it. Sometimes I have even the feeling they feel as if they are special to have an allergy.

In my opinion the same will happen with the Smart Meters that expose us to much higher radiation than cell phones. It also affects plants and bees.

Check it out on Google. A ghood website is

In short: we are in a microwave oven because we are continous bombarded with frequencies form Radio stations, TV stations, computers, cell phones, portable phones, cell towers, I-phones, smart-phones, portable phones and now Smart Meters and the antennas that go with them.

Our Health Care system will never be able to handle the resulting problems and the aging Babay Boomers.

Wake up and take action!

Wise Owl
PS.: actually I believe the balanced state of the brain one reaches with Reconnective Healing might help us.