Sine a while one can read in the media MS is caused by a buildup in the blood vessels of the brain which causes excessiv iron.
Everybody seems to be excited, believing to have found the cause of MS. The cause is in my opinion a different one, and this opinion is based on my observations of clients I see as a certified Reflexologist and JinShinDo practitioner and also of clients I had when I worked for Home Suppor
A stress-free healthy body is in a state of homeostasis (in balance) and all cells are able to communicate.
We tense op as soon as we have emotional stress, are exposed to extreme cold, or get injured ... it is as if the cells of oour body constrict ... and are unable to communicate with each other. Where this happened depends of the ;ocation of the injury or of the emotion cuased by the stress (anger, fear, worry etc)
The name of a disease depends of the area where this loss of cell-communication is ha\ppeneing and how it manifests. It could be pain (arthiritis), it could be cell growth (cysts, tumors) , it could be misfunction of the nervous system (MS, Parkinson's).
In acupuncture and also acupressure (JinShinDo, Shiatsu) acu-poins are used to balance the energy-flow (Chi) and to reestablish homeostasis, because then the body is able to heal itself.
Should there be an energy blockage in your head then it will affect your blood-vessels and this is in my opinion the root-cause if the deposits in the bloodvessles.
Tomorrow I'll write more.
Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS: do you know that Reconnective Healing is wonderful for reducing sress? More about this on
What is the 2025 Prediction?
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