Sunday, May 30, 2010

Do You Want to Have More Energy? Drink GoChi!

Beside having more energy you'll also experience the benefits listed below.

GoChi contains at least 30% more of the active ingredients that are in Himalayan Goji Juice.

Until now three clinical trials were conducted with GoChi and having more energy might be important for many. Just think about how much it helps in the bedroom ... I mean of course that you don't fall asleep when watching TV.
The first randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial that was done with GoChi showed dramatic improvement in 13 key health aspects.

» - less fatigue» - improved athletic performance
» - increased energy
» - stress reduction
» - feeling calmer
» - increased ability to focus» - sharper mental activity
» - better sleep quality
» - easier waking up
» - feeling healthier
» - feeling more content
» - feeling happier
» - improved bowel regularity
The controll group participants who got GoChi took 4 ounces daily for 14 days.

In one of the next blog posts I’ll write about my experiences after a tripple whiplash … my car was hit three times and I was for a few minutes unconscious

Anna Christine

PS.: Do you want to know what doctors thought about the Himalayan Goji Juice that contained at least 30% less of the active ingredients? If yes then click HERE

Friday, May 28, 2010

Alcohol May Benefit Your Health

'Alcohol can't take credit for health' I read yesterday in the local newspaper 'DAILY NEWS'. A recently released study reports that 'Moderate drinkers enjoy more robust health than either big boozers or teetotallers'.
The researchers contributed it to a healthier lifestyle this group af moderate drinkers have.

In my opinion the reason is a prerry simple one >>>
1. stress is over 90% the reason for our health problems
2. to reduce stress will most likely refuce health problems
3. and ... you might guess it ... when 1 glass or 2 of red or white wine reduce stress ... then moderate alcohol consumprion benefits us.

I wrote either in this blog or in the blog of quite a while ago about this issue.

There are of course other ways to reduce stress. Go to this website and click on 'products' and then on 'clinical studies' ... there you can find the 19 health benefits of GoChi which also include stress reduction, better sleep, higher anti oxidants, improved immune system, more energy, better focus.

Drinking this juice would be benefitial for teetotallers and heavy drinkers.

Meditation is another way for stress reduction.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: I forgot to mention Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection which are fabulous for stress reduction.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunscreen - Are They Good or Bad?

This morning they announced in the radio (CBC) that they'll talk tomorrow about the topic "Sunscreens - are they good or bad?"

One of the speakers said "bad? why are they bad? perhaps the toxins that are in them"

I read a while ago that UVB protection in sunscreen actually prevents or reduces the vitamin D production in our body. Can't remember who wrote about that, but it made a lot of sense.

And then the chemicals in it, I really don't know ... I do not like chemicals of any kind.

Much longer ago I also read that a healthy well nourished body will not as easily develop skin cancer. With well nourished it was not meant to eat a lot of meat and other proteins, it was more about getting enough vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables, and also protein from nuts, and seeds and fish. They wrote in that article they came to that conclusion because people develop skin cancer often on areas that actually are not exposed to the sun.

Personally I just threw 2 bottles of sunscreen out that I had bought when I flew to seminars in the Bahamas or Florida. After reading the ingredients I never used them. The sun there was not that bad.

During the 5 years I lived on a sailboat in the Caribean I used mostly lotion. Perhaps I bought once in a while a low grade sunscreen, like 3 or so. At that time there were not this sunscreens with high potency.
I must admit that I have a pretty resilient skin and healthy eating habits.

Therefore get information about this issue.

Anna Christine
PS.: Oh, you need to know this too .. on you'll find for a really good price two daily supplements ... Daily Edge or for AntiAging REVERSE

Saturday, May 22, 2010

GMO Food Dangers and Benefits

What we believe is good for mankind is later recognized as not so good, as with GMO foods. They were developed because one thought that is the solution for world hunger. Now GMO foods seem to be a danger. For the GMO benefits look at the end.

Jeffrey Smith, author of the bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, discusses the latest GMO research findings coming out of Russia, which adds fuel to previous concerns about long-term sterility and other highly bizarre physiological side effects.

You'll find more on Jeffrey Smith was interviewed by Craig Winter. There is a 10 min and a 60 min you tu7be video.

Jeffrey Smith told in an interview of Dr. Mercola that animals have a sense we don't have in regard to GMO food dangers.

When given the choice they avoided GMO: cows, pigs, geese, rats, squirrels, mice, buffalos, racoons, mice, chicken ... even in winter the squirrels nibbled only on a couple on kernels and when the researchers felt sorry and gave them the next day the non-gmo kernels of corn they ate it all.

Other researchers wanted to repeat this with mice and bought two bags with corn, one with non-gmo-food and the other with gmo-food. The winter came and when they went into the garage to start the study the mice had alrady compleated the study and had eaten the Non-GMO-Corn

What shall we do? We find help at the site http//

NOW to the BENEFITs: we have in parts of Nanaimo to many deer and they talk about culling. Instead of culling, it would be in my opinion a better solution to feed them with GMO-corn. With every new generation they'll most likely not reproduce as much. Which was proven with a hamster study. Jeffrey Smith talked about the effects of GMO food on the reproductive system in an interview with Dr. Mercola.

The deer would be happy to have something to eat and the property owners would be happy that they don't eat their plants in the front yard. I only hope the deer are not communicating telepatically and deer from the forest are crossing the high-way to get the corn too because then we might have one day no deer anymore.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Addictions and Reconnective Healing

All addictions have a stress component. First we have to be stressed and peer pressure is stress too.

I noticed after my Recconnective Healing sessions and The Reconnection that I was calm and did not like the taste of my coffee anymore. I make it because of the flavour, maximum a cup per day, but already after the first sip I don't like the taste.

A friend in Berlin who had just stopped smoking and received three Distance Reconnective Healing Sessions was totally surprised that she forgot her cigarettes.

Stress is involved in over 90% of all health problems, therefore it is a great health benefit to be stress free.

It is of great benefit to be already after 1-3 Reconnective Healing Sessions calm and centered since most recommendations for stress reduction (meditation, yoga, visualization and others) involve time ... and the lack of time is causing in many stress.

Distance Reconnective Healing Sessions are of great benefit.

First of all there is a limited amount of Reconnective Healing Practitioners®.
Only somebody who took at least the Reconnective Healing training Level I/II can call her/himself a Reconnective Healing Practitioner®.

Secondly I often do the session in agreement with my clients when they are in bed. By doing it this way the session does not take time out of my clients schedule. Otherwise the client has to be resting during the time of the session.

Anna Christine Doehring

PS.:; Oh, I forgot, animals benefit also gratly from Reconnective Healing, especially becuse they can't say where it hurts.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Losing Weight and Earning Money

The clock is ticking because the TAIslim Summer Slim Down Contest is quickly coming to a close. We’re offering participants up to $10,000 to show us how TAIslim® has changed their lives. 25.000$ alltogether.

There is still time when you start now. I lost in 3 weeks 15 lbs. Others lost much more weight. Check it out HERE.

Participating in the Challenge is simple. Use TAIslim and new TAIslim® SKINNYs™ as directed and record your progress until the contest period ends on June 15, 2010. You have nothing to lose but the weight! Visit HERE for full contest details and registration.

Lots of Success
Anna Christine

PS.: Sorry that I didn't remind you earlier. I also don't know how to make the bottle smaller.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mental Health Services - Alternative Therapists not wanted as Volunteers

Now I don't understand the world anymore. I had approached Mental Health Services Nanaimo to donate my time as a volunteer.

Unfortunately Alternative Therapists are not wanted, but they have somebody who does Acupuncture .... obviously because this is now recognized by the Healthcare System.

30 years ago Acupuncture was seen in USA as a very strange therapy. Dr. Upledger who is an Osteopath and teaches CranioSacral Therapy, writes about this in one of his books. Obviously time has changed for that modality.

I wonder how long it will take here for other Alternative Therapies to be accepted by Health Care.

The Russians seem to be smarter. Dr.Eric Pearl was recently by the leading Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov invited to teach DOCTORS Reconnective Healing. The guinea pigs were pre-olympic athletes.
Actually the Russians were also the first who used for their athletes visualization and I read 1976 in a Candian book about negative ions that the Russians and the Israelis had used in the rooms from the olympic athletes machines that emmit negative ions to improve their performance.
Anna Christine

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Who is Responsible For Our Health? - Only We!

Today I got this e-mail and it is worth reading.

The world's best two line poem :
" Ice melts when heated "
"Eyes melt when hated

Alexander, after conquering many kingdoms, was returning home. On the way, he fell ill and it took him to his death bed. With death staring him in his face, Alexander realized how his conquests, his great army, his sharp sword and all his wealth were of no consequence.
He now longed to reach home to see his mother's face and bid her his last adieu. But, he had to accept the fact that his sinking health would not permit Him to reach his distant homeland. So, the mighty conqueror lay prostrate and pale, helplessly waiting to breathe his last.
He called his generals and said, "I will depart from this world soon, I have three wishes, please carry them out without fail."
With tears flowing down their cheeks, the generals agreed to abide by their king's last wishes.

"My first desire is that", said Alexander,
"My physicians alone must" carry my coffin."
After a pause, he continued, "Secondly, I desire that when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path leading to the graveyard be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which I have collected in my treasury".
The king felt exhausted after saying this. He took a minute's rest and continued. "My third and last wish is that both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin".
The people who had gathered there wondered at the king's strange wishes. But no one dared bring the question to their lips.. Alexander's favorite general kissed his hand and pressed them to his heart. "O king, we assure you that your wishes will all be fulfilled. But tell us why do you make such strange wishes?"
At this Alexander took a deep breath and said: "I would like the world to know of the three lessons I have just learnt.

Lessons to learn from last 3 wishes of King Alexander...

I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that no doctor can really cure any body. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of death. So let not people take life for granted. The second wish of strewing gold, silver and other riches on the way to the graveyard is to tell People that not even a fraction of gold will come with me. I spent all my life earning riches but cannot take anything with me. Let people realize that it is a sheer waste of time to chase wealth.

And about my third wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin, I wish people to know that I came empty handed into this world and empty handed I go out of this world".
With these words, the king closed his eyes. Soon he let death conquer him and breathed his last. . . .

Remember, your good health is in your own hands,
look after it.

Wealth is only meaningful if you can enjoy while
you are still alive and kicking.

What you do for yourself dies with you but what you
do for others, lives on. "Legacy".

With my blog posts I want to inform the reader about facts doctors have no time to tell or ... perhaps even don't know because their training did not include alternative health. This is slowly changing.

Anna Christine

PS.: Most important for our health is stress-reduction or better no stress at all, please go for this to this site and read about the clinical studies or to

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fluoride in the Vulcanic Ash of Iceland is Dangerous for Animals - What about Us?

Who has toothpaste with fluoride? Who drinks water with fluoride?

According to BBC News from April 19, 2010 :

“The fluoride in the ash creates acid in the animals' stomachs, corroding the intestines and causing hemorrhages. It also binds with calcium in the blood stream and after heavy exposure over a period of days makes bones frail, even causing teeth to crumble.”
This is just another clue that just because it is in nature doesn't necessarily mean it is good for you. This is certainly true for the seriously misguided use of fluoride to "prevent" dental cavities. Bottom line is that when you swallow this, it does nothing to decrease disease, it merely accelerates it.

I found this on and wonder how many brains are already calmed down so much that they do not see the connection.

The calming down (making docile) was the reason that under Stalin fluoride was put into the food of prison camps. Just google the dangers of fluoride and look also on more pages, not only the first.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

MS - Why are the Blood Vessels in the Head Clogged?

Two days ago I wrote about why in my opinion the blood vessels in the head might clogg up.

In my opinion they clogg up because of an an impeded energy flow in the head which might be caused by a variety of things, like stress or injuries. The injuries can be on the head, legs or your back.
This unbalance might cause in future a stroke, more headaches or perhaps MS, depending how well the body is able to heal itself before a problem shows up.

Today I talked to a sombody who complained about headaches. Several months ago something heavy had fallen on her head. Using my gift of detecting energy blockages with my fingertips, I checked the head and in some areas my fingers were vibrating for about 10 minutes.

This vibrating is caused in my opinion by a high amount of energy that flows through my finger tips in the troubled area and when it is energetically filled up my fingers stop moving.

Remember that also stress is a major culprit of tissue constriction. Actually I met a few MS patients whose MS had started after a major stress event.
One of my cousins told me she knows a MS patient who got well after her life situation had changed and she was happily married again.
The MS had started after her divorce.

When MS was caused by stress then it might help in my opinion to do things that bring peace ... meditation, always being in the NOW, and most of all forgiving the one who stressed you.
Nutrients specifically for the nervous system are good too.

After my car accident (car got hit three times) Reconnective Healing helped me a lot and I also took specific supplements for the brain, so that it is able to repair tissue damage.

Anna Christine

PS.: regarding my accident I'll be forever grateful that I was already for one year drinking Himalayan Goji Juice ... as soon as the more potent GoChi came out I switched to that.

Friday, May 7, 2010

MS - What Could be the Cause?

Sine a while one can read in the media MS is caused by a buildup in the blood vessels of the brain which causes excessiv iron.
Everybody seems to be excited, believing to have found the cause of MS. The cause is in my opinion a different one, and this opinion is based on my observations of clients I see as a certified Reflexologist and JinShinDo practitioner and also of clients I had when I worked for Home Suppor

A stress-free healthy body is in a state of homeostasis (in balance) and all cells are able to communicate.

We tense op as soon as we have emotional stress, are exposed to extreme cold, or get injured ... it is as if the cells of oour body constrict ... and are unable to communicate with each other. Where this happened depends of the ;ocation of the injury or of the emotion cuased by the stress (anger, fear, worry etc)

The name of a disease depends of the area where this loss of cell-communication is ha\ppeneing and how it manifests. It could be pain (arthiritis), it could be cell growth (cysts, tumors) , it could be misfunction of the nervous system (MS, Parkinson's).

In acupuncture and also acupressure (JinShinDo, Shiatsu) acu-poins are used to balance the energy-flow (Chi) and to reestablish homeostasis, because then the body is able to heal itself.

Should there be an energy blockage in your head then it will affect your blood-vessels and this is in my opinion the root-cause if the deposits in the bloodvessles.

Tomorrow I'll write more.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS: do you know that Reconnective Healing is wonderful for reducing sress? More about this on

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Possible Causes of Allergies

Since nobody in my family has allergies and so many here in Canada have it I wonder what the reason could be... and believe now that it is the toxins.
An allergy happens when we put the last straw on the camel's back (which is our body).

I am suspicious about vaccination because vaccines conain according to Dr. Mercola and others toxins as preservatives ... we had a few but not as many as the babies get nowadays.

Foodaditives are another factor I wonder about. One is in Europe more reflective what to allow in our food and what not. GMO food is not allowed and also not growth hormones in milk ... they are of course also in all products made from milk.
Personally I wonder about cookies ... which I eat from time to time.

Foodadditives are in all prepacked and processed foods. Kevin Trudeau mentioned in his book "Natural Cures "They" Don't Want you to Know about", I believe on page 75, that 15.000 additives can me added without declaring them on the package.

That is enough for me to cook from scratch.

And then think of the water you drink, shower with, bath in.
Also of all the cleaning materials. Vinegar and baking soda do the trick. I have no bleach in the house. The sun is 'bleaching' my cloths.

Oh, what about all the cremes and lotions we use and the hair colour?
It helps in my opinion to detoxify the body continously. One can detoxify with teas, herbs, colonics, but also with therapies to activate the peristaltic of the large inestines.

Reflexology can help a lot. I honestly do not know of another therapy that would achieve the same. There is a reason that I am practicing it.

Stress reduction can be achieved with many therapies and that might also reduce constipation.
Reconnective Healing reduces also stress but achieves much more. It can be done as distance healing.

And ... what is our biggest problem ... we are not moving enough, running enough, don't work in the garden where we have to bend down.

When you move, your food moves through the colon.... easy. Doesn't take the brain of Einstein to figure that out.
Don't laugh, it's true, but only with a lot of activity. Not just going to tha mailbox.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine