Today I had a carpenter come to our house who was curious about Reflexology. He had seen my sandwich-board outside and did not know what it is all about.
I showed him the posters of the feet, hands and ears, explaining that every part, every organ, of our body has a reflex area on the soles of our feet, also on the hands and ears.
By applying gentle fingerpressure on these areas the certified practitioner is stimulating the flow of energy, blood and lymph in the corresponding area. This enables the body to heal itself.It is always the body that heals itself and never the practitioner or therapist that heals.
You'll find more information on my website
Studies prove that Reflexology is helpful for nearly every condition.My friends husband in Hamburg,Germany, had bladder cancer and to relieve his agony and calm him he got Reflexology sessions ... and ... this is really interesting ... the Reflexologist told him that he is regularly working on the feet of the surgeons..
I have not heard that anything like this is happening here in Nanaimo. I must admit, the doctors at that time did not want to give morphium, instead they paid a Reflexologist. I think that was not enough, because my friend was terribly upset.
Anna Christine
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