Are you Searching for your Life Purpose?
Reconnective Healing® & The Reconnection™
more info further down
FREE Introduction and 60 min audio interview of Dr. Eric Pearl
“This is beyond anything you’ve read about, thought about, dreamt about”
“You might be thrown on your life path faster than you think” . Dr. Eric Pearl
April 28th –Tuesday
May 5th – Tuesday always at 7 pm …
chose the day that is convenient for you
At my home in Nanaimo, please call first because seating is limited
Please let me know when you can’t come on Tuesdays
Anna Christine Doehring - Energy All Around Therapies
250-756-2235 - -
I decided to inform you about the Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®
because one of my clients told me she got told in a Channeling Session
that even the instructors have not realized totally the significance of this form of healing.
This form of healing is at this time of our development very important for us.
Reconnective Healing®
Experience healing …. beyond anything you’ve read about,
thought about, dreamt about!
Reconnective Healing tends to be a life-changing experience.
Now for the first time you may access a new, more comprehensive
spectrum of healing than has been attainable at any point prior to
now, one that not only includes yet expands beyond any and all
known forms of “energy” healing.
The Reconnective Healing spectrum is comprised of the full
Healing and evolutionary continuum of energy, light and information,
And allows for healings that are not just physical, not just mental,
not just emotional … yet instead goes beyond that to bring you
healing that includes the evolution of your very Being and Essence.
Vastly different than Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin, QiGong or any
Healing “technique” ever encountered.
Reconnective Healing allows you to transcend technique and
its limitations. Entirely.
These highly palpable energies are initiated during your session and
continue working with you long after you’ve left your Reconnective
Healing Practitioner’s office.
Following your sessions, you will be forever changed, operating at,
and attuned to a more comprehensive evolutionary and healing
frequency than ever before.
Dr. Eric Pearl’s book ‘The Reconnection, Heal Others, Heal Yourself’
contains these 6 sentences channeled
by over 50 of his chiropractic patients:
• We are here to tell you to continue doing what you are doing
• What you are doing is bringing light and information onto the planet
• What you are doing is reconnecting strands (DNA)
• What you are doing is reconnecting strings
(these connect the different universes)
• You must know that you are a master
• We’ve come because of your reputation.
Reconnective Healing came to us at this time to prepare
mankind for moving to the next level of consciousness.
The Reconnection™
Originally the meridian lines, sometimes called acupuncture
lines, on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that
encircle the planet. These Grid lines were designed to
continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us
into the entire universe. Over time we became disconnected from these lines.
The Reconnection™ brings in “new” axiatonal lines that enable us
to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing
and ultimately, for our evolution. These axiatonal lines are part
of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional
circulatory system that draws the basic energy for the renewal
functions of the human body.
The Reconnection™ brings in and activates these new lines,
allowing for the exchange, beyond solely that of energy, of energy,
light and information, the reconnection of DNA Strands and the
reintegration of strings (simultaneously occurring – or parallel –
planes of existence).
J.J. Hurtak, ‘The Keys of Enoch’, spoke at the 2002
‘Total Health Conference’ about what will happen when
mankind can access the untapped potential within their
body, brain, DNA and consciousness. What’ll happen when
the axiatonal system of our body is reconnected with the earth grid
and the cosmic grid. This happens through The Reconnection.
He ended his speech with: “For the first practical application
of the axiatonal work that I talked about I introduce Dr. Eric Pearl
to talk about Reconnective Healing.”Reconnective Healing® is a phenomenon in the world of healing….
Lynne Mc Taggart
.Anna Christine Doehring, Energy All Around Therapies.
Reconnective Healing® (Level I/II); The Reconnection® (Level
III),; healing@energyallaround.
com; Nanaimo, 250-756-2235
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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