About four years ago I told somebody about the Himalayan Goji Juice and after she did some research she said "I am not interested that is not made from the lycium barbarum eleganus berry."
At that time I knew as much about lycium barbarum (goji) as probably you.
Then I believed for a while the truth is written in the Wikepidia until I found out that one can actually change what is written there; which does not make it very reliable.
More reliable is the USA government website , search for GoChi or FreeLife and you'll find the first doubleblind, placebo controlled clinical trial with GoChi. When you search for lycium barbarum you'll find all kinds of reseach and about half of it is with the polysaccharides (LBPs)
The goji market is very lucrative and it becomes for the consumer more and more difficult to find the truth, considering that there are 82 goji varieties in the world.
Two years ago I heard one of the doctors say the Himalayan Goji Juice is actually having the quality of the lycium barbarum eleganus berry. My ears opened wide. Now it all made sense.
The content of the polysaccharides in the Himalayan Goji Juice and in GoChi is maximized. The Himalayan Goji Juice was called this way because it was made from descendents of one specific variety of gojiberries thaat originated in the Himalayan.
Then I heard that goji is actually regarded as a Supertonic. A Supertonic is beneficial for the whole body, all body systems, all organs. All other herbs are beneficial for only one or a few things.
Because these juices are made from descendents of this one preferred variety one can legally not say that it is made of this one eleganus variety.
Because all of this is so difficult to understand I just love the fact that we have a 90 day money back guarantee. We are lucky, in Germany and Austria it is only 60 days and that is caused be the government there.
This gives us enough time to realize twhat this juice can do for us.
Anna Christine Doehring
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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