And the research goes on
In two recent randomized double blind, placebo-controlles, human clinical trials, GoChi(TM) proved extremely effective for human health in 6 key areas.
After the first clinical trial that was completed in 14 days the 2. and 3. clinical trials were completed after 30 days. The participants werde drinking daily 4 ounces GoChi(TM)
Study 2:
Increased Antioxidant Power in 30 Days
- Higher SOD levels (Superoxide dismutase: The body's primary antioxidant denfense against inflammatory free radicals
- Higher Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-Px): Important antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes
- Less Free Radical Damage
Study 3:
Immune Enhancement in 30 days
- Increased Lymphocytes: white blood cells necessary for immune defenses.
- Increased production of Interleuken 2 (IL-2): an important c ell signaling molecule, so that the marcophages know whom they have to destroy.
-Increased Immonuglobulin G production (IgG): a powerful and essential antibody.
Reading about these clinical trials I was thinking about the book from Dr. Matthias Rath "Why dogs have no heart attacks" ... he writes their bodies produce Vitamin C.
Being so passionate about Himalayan Goji Juice(TM) and the next generation GoChi(TM) I learned and continuously learn more and more about our body and what wrong nutrition can cause in our body
For example that a healthy body makes Glutathion peroxidase on its own.
Our body is not always absorbing the Supplements we swallow.
This is very important because of two reasons.
1) Our body can NOT always absorb what we swallow because the intestinal tract (small intestines) is plugged up with gunk from all the white flower products we consume.
Many supplements end therefore up in the toilet.
To have something that helps our body to make the Master Antioxidant Glutathion peroxidase on its own is important.
2) Another reason that we absorb less then we believe we do is the following. Our body has to have a neutral pH of 7.2 for optimal nutrient absorbtion ... below a pH of 7 we become acidic ... and the more acidic we are the less vitamins and minerals we absorb.
We are acidic because of many foods (more about this the next time) we eat and because of stress.
Disease can not exist in an alkaline or pH-neutral body but it flourishes in an acidic one.
Doctors now say that 95% of all disease has an stress involvement.
Keep checking this Blog because at September 12, 2008 four more clinical trials with
GoChi(TM) will be released by FreeLife Int.(TM)
and also ... what is extremely interesting ... 2 new products that contain the active ingredients from GoChi(TM) will be launched by FreeLife Int.(TM) at September 12, 2008
The results people experience with FreeLife's products truly offers the opportunity to enjoy a residual income and a free Life.
Happiness and GoChi(TM) make us alkaline. Therefore it is so important to have a job one loves, a partner one loves, friends one loves, a home one loves, music one loves .... you get the picture ...
I sometimes even have the "naughty thought" that it might not be the red wine with its bioflavenoids the French drink that is so healthy ... but that it is the happiness they experience when they drink it.
I don't know whether you read this a few years ago ... the oldest woman in Canada became 124 and she still enjoyed once in a while a little smoke or a drink at the Happy Hour. She was born in France and lived later in Quebec. She lived until an age of 115 years at home.
September 8, 2008
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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