Monday, February 18, 2019

Pleasure or Happiness

Does not Pleasure is the same as happiness. I not fun the same as joy? Many believe it is the same but it is not. There is  a big difference.

We have fun and/or experience pleasure from something external. -- a good movie, having sex, a great party. The danger is that  Fun and Pleasure cause the secretion of dopamine but do not last.  Be become wired to chase the reward, which is Dopamine. The result is that we are constantly craving more alcohol, controlling others,  more drugs, more money, more sex ... more more more 

Joy and/or happiness is an inner state of being. They are inner spiritual values.  When we live in this state of consciousness kindness, unconditional love, caring and compassion are the result.. The happiness molekule is Serotonin.

That is the secret  inside your brain The corporations have totally hacked your brain. You have lost your  inner contentment, your inner happiness. Instead you are chasing the next pleasure providing carrot  ... which is their product..

I have to think of something what Dr. Jakob Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge - The Keys of Enoch, said

The chakras 1,2 and 3 got manipulated
which means we follow our gut-responses ... the feeling I need to buy, money, sex, and power.
Intro into Chakras next time ... they are energy centres of our body, ruling different emotions.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
PS.: There is a way out ... check the websites

Monday, October 15, 2018

What is 5G and is there Help?

There is nothing in this world without a solution. One just has to find it. Most importantly: STAY CALM and centered. Be a relaxed observer of this more and more challenging world.
Everything happens for a reason.

Watch this ... you will find a lot of information on that page, but before you get distracted watch the video first - until the end, that is important. Russian research has proven the solution.

I am so excited because I kind of knew this since several years and am happy to have more proof.  Sometimes it helps to speak two or more languages.

Wise Owl,
Anna Christine 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Removal of WiFi from Schools

Multiple countries around the world have banned WiFi, and the building of cell phone towers near primary schools and nurseries, among many other places due to the evidence that shows they are not safe and can implicate the health of young children, and adults, in multiple ways. With all of the science that’s emerged over the years, it seems very unethical for the corporations who control this market to continue to manufacture and promote these services in such a manner. Furthermore, government agencies have failed to address what’s happening, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of peer-reviewed papers have been calling for it for years.

This is from the website 

Now think about the effects on children when you have at home WiFi.  Phones and computer can be on landlines. The are in my home because sometimes clients ask me if my office is WiFi free.

Anna Christine

Monday, September 24, 2018

wifi radiation vs cell phone radiation

This question does not make sense ... and shows how little people know. Cell phones are based on WiFi (wireless frequencies). Wireless means communication without a wire/landline.

The following is from the EMF-Health Summit
Most people have no idea how many health problems are caused by the Electro Magnetic Frequencies used  by WiFi

Did you know?

  • Using your cell phone just 30 minutes a day can increase brain tumor risks by 40%
  • 24 Hours of EMF Exposure can induce more DNA damage than 1,600 chest X-Rays
  • Strong evidence of cancer for people that use mobile phones next to their head – say’s Harvard trained medical doctor David Carpenter
  • Spanish, French, and German Governments have issued recommendations to ban WiFi from schools
  • Multiple studies link EMFs with Chronic inflammation suffered by 60% of Americans
  • Incidence of GBM (a deadly brain tumor linked to cell phone use) has DOUBLED in the United Kingdom from 1995 to 2015
  • EMFs are silently affecting you, even if you can’t feel it

Wise owl
Anna Christine

Friday, July 27, 2018

PROOF of Brain Damage

From all the emails I get 'PROOF of Brain Damage' got my interest and I went to
I was interested because one of my clients called my Spiritual Gift of Healing 'Brain Rejuvenation'. You will find it on my website
It can also be done as distant energy healing.

I was especially interested because in a German video two scientist had talked about the IQ reduction through ElectroMagnetic Frequencies.  Studies in Bavaria had proven it.  Now I do not know whether perhaps also the factors mentioned in the above link were part of the dramatic prediction regarding the IQ-reduction. 

What surprised me that in my research I found that mercury is also in beauty  products. 

Do your own research about the mercury in all the shots we get.

More or less all of this means to drink every morning a herb tea that supports our kidneys and liver to get rid of toxins.
Educate yourself how to help the body to get rid of toxins. 

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Friday, June 22, 2018

Does Alternative and Complementary Medicine Help?

We all have heard of placebos - harmless sugarpills - that are very effective in treating all kinds of health problems. Placebos help because the doctor is  getting across as convinced it is an effective remedy and the patient believes in him. A patient believes when the doctor is convinced. When a doctor says:  "here, take this and lets see what it will do for you".  the success rate is lower.
This is the big problem of all Alternative/Holistic  and Complementary  Healers. They are not allowed to say  something will help or heal. They are not allowed to make any guarantees, promises, and claims.
A doctor is allowed to do that but in reality s/he also does not know if and which medication will help, because it is the patient that has to heal. It is the patient/client who has to let go of the attachment to the health problem.
Many do not understand this. All I can say is I would never have spent tens of thousands  of dollars when I would not believe in the alternative/holistic and complementary modalities I have studied.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

How to Heal Physical Pain?

There was recently a summit about pain. I had signed up because I was interested what else is there beside Reconnective Healing ... but then I had no time to listen to even one of them.
Probably because I am pain free and do not need advice.

And probably also because Reonnective Healing is wonderful in addressing the root cause. Every health problem has a root cause which is mostly emotional.

Wrong eating can result in inflammation which results in pain. Even there Reconnective  Healing is helpful. It seems to balance the body so much that we actully are more reasonable in our heating habits.

You might want to check the summit out on
Summit website, YouTube Channel- Subscribe Now , Facebook - Chronic Pain Community 

Wise Owl
Anna Christine