Since a long long time I wonder whether the lack of nutrients in our food is not negatively affecting our mental health.
Already 1935 scientists worried about the depletion of minerals in the soil - caused by mass production.
It does not take the brain of Einstein to realize that it is now, 80 years later, much worse.
In the latest newsletter from Dr. Mercola is the following article
'Supplements Proven Beneficial for Your Mental Health'
The following is taken from this article:
''Part of the reason why depression is so rampant may well be linked to the fact that vitamin D and omega-3 deficiencies are rampant as well, and both of these nutrients are really important for optimal brain function and mental health. Consider this: your brain is made up of about 60 percent fat,15 and vitamin D receptors appear in a wide variety of brain tissue, suggesting vitamin D has an important role to play in your brain....''
We are responsible for our health and it takes now quite a bit of research and thinking to chose the right food.
Good luck
Anna Christine
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