Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why have Teenagers now Shingles?

Already 2011 was an article  in the alive magazine with the title 'The Changing face of Shingles'  ... because it happens now more often that teenagers have Shingles. The medical field is wondering why teenagers have now a disease that only affected older people in the past  ... and even that happened seldom. In my distant family only one case.
The reason that older people sometimes got Shingles was that their immune system was not so good anymore.
At the moment I have a teenage client with Shingles and ... the Shingles are at the area where she always had her cell phone. This makes it in my opinion pretty obvious why she got them.
Doctors of Chinese Medicine are very much concerned about the  increasing WiFi exposure. Dr. Hamer wrote a long article about this. They have noticed that it stresses the body and weakens the immune system. 

Doctors who cannot understand why teenagers have now more often Shingles should get more information about the effects of EMR/ElectroMagneticRadiation on our body.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt from Seattle recommends to have at least the bed room WiFi free. The body heals during the sleeping hours but it can only do it when that is not getting stressed by cell phones, I-phones, laptops, portable phones, TV, and computers.
Anna Christine


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria - What Can We Do?

Recently Maryn McKenna talked in the radio  about antibiotic resistant bacteria and the following are a few notes I took and also my own recommendations:

The situation now:
Last year the top Health Chiefs said
"We have already people we have nothing for"
"A serious a threat  as terrorism"
"We are facing a nightmare"

How will this affect us?
and they mentioned:  In the Intensive Care Unit - When we are older - Organ transplants - Cancer - Complicate surgeries -Hip and knee replacements

Can we avoid it?
after a short hesitation "I don't think we do - we are in real trouble"

What can we do?

  • Do not pressure for antibiotics
  • When a child is sick wait 3 days to see whether the child recovers,  before you ask for antibiotics 
  • When you are sick then go to bed, let your body fight the illness with a fever so that you get a functioning immune system 
  • Think twice before you consume animal products that are not organic.
  • We have to make sure that our immune system is in perfect condition so that we are not getting sick.
  • Eat lots of raw produce
  • Sleep enough
  • Avoid as much as possible EMF and WiFi

Pasteur said at the end of his life "It is not the bug it is the terrain, the condition of our body (immune system)"

It is not only about the antibiotics we take for every little sniffle and sneeze. Did you know that animals grow faster when they get small amounts of antibiotics? 
With every piece of meat, with every egg, with all the milk, with all the cheese and all the cold meat, also the ice cream made from milk we get antibiotics in our body.

This is the reason I only consume organic eggs, organic cheese and once in a while organic chicken or lamb. and ice cream made from almond milk. I NEVER drink milk

Maryn McKenna wrote the book 'Superbug' ... www.wired.com/wiredscience/superbug 

Anna Christine