Thursday, October 31, 2013

Autistic Children - WiFi

Yesterday I talked in our local healthfood store with a lady who told me that her two grandchildren are autistic.
What worries her is that one of them uses an I-Pad when he is together with a health practitioner who is obviously there to improve his situation.

I was surprised, or better in shock. Why?
Because Dr. Klinghardt, Seattle, mentions on This Video that he can predict whether a baby will be autistic or not.
Reason: The higher the WiFi radiation is in the bedroom of the pregnant mother the higher the likelyhood the baby will be autistic.

In my opinion it does not take an Einstain to figure out that an I-Pad should not be too close to an autistic child or to make it even more clear -
My opinion is that an autistic child should be not exposed to WiFi

Wise owl
Anna Christine

Monday, October 28, 2013

One of the Reasons we Become Sick

In my last block I mentioned three factors that have an affect on our health. One of them is GMO food - GeneManipulated Organisms.
Dr Mercola had on his newsletter this short 6-min video to help people understand the importance of labelling GMO products.

Actually some of the States in the USA have already a law to label GMO products. I wonder whether they also have to label all the salad-dressings that contain fructose from GMO-corn.

It can take several years until we'll experience the consequences of our food choices and then we believe it is in your genes or it happens because we are getting older.Ha Ha!
We certainly do not drop dead after eating GMO food or become sick within a month - it takes longer until our body responds with all kinds of symptoms.

And - then there is the accumulative factor . My first Chemistry teacher said "Never put substances together when you do not know how they react with each other".

We eat GMO food, eat fruits and vegetables that were sprayed with pesticides or herbicides, eat fish out of an ocean that contains water that comes from Fukushima, use toothpaste with fluoride, eat products with aspertane, and so on ...

Anna Christine

Friday, October 25, 2013

Cancer - GMO - EMF/WiFi - Fukushima

Why are people not interested in the cause of their health problems? especially why they get cancer?

Are they so distracted with TV, sports, I-phones, and material things that their critical thinking is vanishing?

- There is a French study that proves rats got cancer after eating GMO corn

- There are reports that Celltowers that emit ElectroMagneticFrequencies/EMF cause cancer. I believe it was in Israel that they removed a celltower because so many got cancer. ... and

- We all should know that radioactivity causes leukemia. I wonder how many are interested in the state of the Pacific

- Not to mention all the additives in our food

It seems people do not care until they have cancer. Do they forget the children that live now and all the children that will live in the future? I wonder.

People need to educate themselves. They need know what to eat to stay healthy. Wild animals knows it. Our body has to be in prime condition 'to weather the storm' that is approaching - actually it is already here.

>>> We have GMO food, I believe 3/4 of the products in a supermarket contain it.
>>> Doctors of Chinese Medicin are noticing already the effects of EMF in their patients. Many have EMS = ElectroMagneticSensitivity
>>> With the debris from Fukushima came the radioactive water
>>> and the additives in our food we consume since many many years.

Anna Christine

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bruno Groening Circle of Friends - Follow-up Lecture in Nanaimo

Wednesday, October 23., 2013, I attended in Nanaimo a lecture that informed about the German healer Bruno Groening who lived 60 years ago. on one occasion 10.000 came and many experienced amazing healings. During the meetings of the Circle of Friends of Bruno Groening healings happen too and therefore we need to know about this possibility of healing..

To expand on the information in the lecture 'Healing on the Spiritual Path through the Healings of Bruno Groening' we invite you to an in-depth lecture (ca. 1 1/2 hr). You will hear and learn more about the teachings of Bruno Groening and how you can use the spiritual healing power for yourself and others.
Admission is free

Date: Tuesday, Oct. 29th, 7 pm
Place: Beban Recreation Centre Room 7/8
2300 Bowen Road

Anna Christine

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Spiritual Healing - Lectures on Vancouver Island in Victoria, Nanaimo, Duncan

Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path
When we don’t feel vital, alert, full of joy and optimism then our body wants to tell us something. No matter how old we are!

Who of us is listening what our body wants to tell us??? We get told it is just a part of life or of getting older … and most of us believe this.

What can we do to regain well being? We can take pills. The symptom will go away, the true cause is mostly not addressed, therefore we have to take the pills until the end of our life.. .

What is the true cause? It is most likely physical or emotional trauma, toxins, or other environmental hazards which causes an imbalance or blockage in the energy flow. Chinese Medicine says that when our Chi (Life-Energy) is blocked or unbalanced our body is no longer in harmony. It is in dis-harmony. Over the years this dis-harmony turns into dis-ease.

The body is able to heal itself but it needs help to re-balance the energy (Chi) flow

Alternative Healing modalities, Reconnective Healing, as well as yoga and Tai-Chi help to improve the Chi-flow.

Another possibility is to meditate every day to get into a totally relaxed state and by this accessing the omni present Chi (Universal Energy). Meditation groups are very effective because there is a higher energy when we meditate in a group.

Ten years of, when in Africa, my 15 year old grandson went during critical situations in a kind of meditative state to call in Bruno Groening to help us. He had in Germany attended a lecture about this man. Therefore I was interested in the ‘Bruno Groening Circle of Friends', which originates in Swiss. I contacted them and this is the reason they are coming now from time to time to Vancouver Island.

More info on

The following is from that website: “Bruno Groening had very precise, intuitive knowledge of this energy and through his simple teachings he made it available to everybody.

The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends is an informal gathering of people who have recognized the value of Bruno Groening's teachings. These are passed on in hundreds of groups which meet around the world. Instruction is given for the proper physical and mental attitude necessary for the absorption of Divine power. The ”healing stream”, which is clearly perceptible in the body, gives help and healing, even in cases of chronic, degenerative and serious organic illnesses.

There is a Higher power which is the fundament of life and it can heal! It has been given many names: life force, vital energy ("Vis vitalis"), prana, Chi, Divine power...

"Trust and believe that Divine energy helps and heals." (Bruno Groening)

The great number of healings that occur are documented in accordance with clinical anemneses. The MWF (the German name for the Medical-Science Group is Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Fachgruppe and the initials MWF are standard for all languages) in the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends, a forum of several thousand doctors and other professionals associated with healing, checks the reports and when possible, compiles documentations with medical comments based on the findings of independent doctors.”

There will be three events on Vancouver Island at the end of October:

October 23, 2013, 7:00 pm
Bowen Park Complex, Clubhouse Nanaimo, BC V9R 1Z7

October 24, 2013, 7:00 pm
Comfort Hotel & Conference Centre Douglas Room, 3020 Blanshard Street Victoria, BC V8T 5C7
Speaker: G. Kury, MD
Local contact: Moneca Rayner
Tel. 604-239-3966,

Documentary Film:
The Phenomenon Bruno Groening -On the tracks of the miracle healer
October 27, 2013, 1:00 pm
Best Western Cowichan Valley Inn - Abutus room
6474 Trans Canada Highway
Duncan, BC V9L 6C

The lecture is approx. 90 minutes in duration. This is an open invitation to anyone who is interested.

Admission is free, donations are welcome. .Organizer: Circle for Spiritual Aid to Life, Inc.

Anna Christine Doehring
Energy All Around Healing
Holistic Health

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Health Care for Seniors in Danger?

This morning (Oct. 8, 2013, I heard at the CBC the agonie Tom Hanson went through with his 92 year old mother who experienced problems with the legs (she could suddenly not walk anymore) and heart problems.

I had to think instantly "what about Statin drugs?" because one of my clients told me her mother could not get out of bed one morning and they found out that it was caused by the Statin medication she took. The situation normalised after a while because the mother had stopped taking the drug.

All I can say is to check Dr. Mercola's article about this out.

Another client from me had started to drink every morning a glass with warm water and fresh pressed organic lemon juice. He told me his doctor was surprised about the improvement of his cholesterol level. It was perfect.

Wise Uwl
Anna Christine

Monday, October 7, 2013

Why are so Many Starfish Dying at the BC Coast?

October 7th. 2013 they talked at the CBC in the evening about the dying of starfish. The same day they also mentioned in the news that around 165 foreign species are arriving with the debris from Fukushima at the BC coast.

I believe that the radioactive water that got into the Pacific after the Fukushima desaster should be here by now.

Could it be that the starfish multiplied at the beginning because they love dirty water, meaning toxins in the water?
In my opinion it is possible that they are dying now because they were exposed to radioactive water for too long.
Nobody knows what is going on and I believe this possibility is worth researching.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Why do we have Global Warming?

Global Warming is in my opinion a climate change that is caused by activities in the cosmos - and our extensive use of fossil fuels is speeding it up.
It was warm before - we had on Vancouver Island once palm trees. Nothing is static - everything is constantly changing.

I wonder why nobody is developing the technologies from Nicola Tesla that would enable us to have free energy. I can only hope there is a country that is doing it secretly ... and - voila - one day has it.

What about the energy from the ZERO-Point field?

One metereologist is so concerned that he decided to stop flying.

"When meteorologist Eric Holthaus read the recent climate report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he saw that things were worse than even he had anticipated." click HERE for the full article.

Wise owl