Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What is the Cause of Alzheimer's?

Every time they talk in the radio what to do with relatives that have Alzheimer's I wonder

"why is nobody talking about the possible reasons of Alzheimer's?"

It is worrying that peaople already get it with 64, like the man who got recently missing in the forest.

What is different now to our lives 60 years ago?

In my opinion as a wholistic health practitioner I believe that
1. the amount of toxins plays a role
2. the 'freezing' at the dentist is harmful
3. the WiFi technology is also part of it

4. and stress
5. and probably accidents we had during our life.

1 - 3 are different, and stress as well as accidents we had also in the past. Perhaps not that much and that many.

>1. toxins are in everything: in the food, in the paints, in the carpets, in the furniture, in the plastic containers and so on

>2. many years ago when I went to university I got my silver (mercury) fillings removed by a dental student and because he had to do everything right, he had to tell me also the side effecs of the 'freezing' ... the dentist stood beside him and listened. When I heard the side effects I said "forget it, do it without" - Now, have you ever had a dentist mentioning the side effecs? The teeth are pretty close to the brain.
Actually I had a 50 year old neighbour who got many implants (that was in the 1980ies) and she had later Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) and died. I still wonder whether this was caused by all the freezing that was involved.

>3. When we talk longer than 8 minutes on a cell phone, on a protable phone, or are close to a Smart Meter amd in my opinion perhaps close to Cell-towers, then the blood-brain-barrier gets interrupted and all the toxins that are in the blood get into the brain.
10 years ago in Calgary they talked in the radio about the possible link between high fruit consumption and Parkinson's. Reason: the frequent spraying of the fruit trees.

>3. Stress affects specifically one meridian that goes over the brain. When we are stressed the energy in this meridian is not flowing properly.

>4. Accidents also affect meridiens, particularly two of them that can have an effect on the brain.
MS is in my opinion in most cases also the cause of what I wrote here.

During some of my workshops I'll talk about this, see more on http://energy-all-around.com/workshops-radio-fairs

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How to Sleep Better - No WiFi in the Bedroom

This morning Rolf Mittelberger , Prof. of Neuroscience talked at the CBC about the importance of a good night sleep.

That a lack of sleep affects the immune system and causes metablic disorders, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

He mentioned
- the importance of darkness for the Melatonin production,
- the blue light on the laptop is paricularly effective in affecting the Melatonin secretion.
- we should keep work related things out of the bedroom
- how unwise it is to have a last look at the weather and/or sports before closing the laptop and the eyes.
- to limit TV and internet in the evening before going to bed

Asked about WiFi he actually said there is no evidence that WiFi has an effect on the pineal gland which secretes Melatonin ... but one would save energy by switching WiFi off.

Now, I honestly believe that it has an effect.
Does He not know that Dr. Klinghardt from Seattle is treating a patient only when the patient agrees to get rid of all the WiFi in the house.

Patients who see Dr. Klinghardt have seen with their health problems about 21 doctors before and non of them was able to help them.
The link to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt about Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF).

I was curious what the Sleep tips of the Majo Clinic are:

No. 1: Stick to a sleep schedule
No. 2: Pay attention to what you eat and drink
No. 3: Create a bedtime ritual
No. 4: Get comfortable
No. 5: Limit daytime naps
No. 6: Include physical activity in your daily routine
No. 7: Manage stress

Nothing is written about the negative effects of WiFi that emmits electromagnetic frequencies (EMF)

When you want to stay healthy or regain energy and health then get rid of WiFi - at least in the bedroom ... During the night our body is healing nd repairing all the damge done during the day. When there is WiFi in the bedroom the body cannot heal.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS.: Better sleep is one of the many benefits of Reconnective Healing®

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hormones in Milk, Meat, Chicken, Eggs and Cheeze

Whether parents have boys or girls they should only give them organic meat, organic milk (better no milk at all), organic cheeze, organic chicken, organic eggs, ... all the hormones are catastrophic for the men.
I heard already several years ago in the radio (CBC) when they talked about this topic, that some young men cannot use condoms because the condom is too big, or better they are too small.
Perhaps they make in the meantime smaller ones ... the women are certainly not happy about this either.

The following documentary discloses much more.

Documentary: The Disappearing MaleAugust 31, 2013

By Dr. Mercola

The chemical industry is only 100 years old, but in this short time they’ve created substances that may now be threatening human survival.

A handful of these chemicals are detailed in the film The Disappearing Male,which gives an educational glimpse into exactly why environmental chemicals, and particularly the gender-bending kind, are so detrimental.

It’s becoming quite clear that chemicals in the environment are prompting significant changes to animals, especially males, and that extends to human ‘animals’ as well.

more at http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/08/31/disappearing-male-documentary.aspx

Anna christine