Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why Have so Many Women Breast Cancer?

Yesterday I was watching the very interesting youtube video from the Cardiologist William Davis.
William DAvis - Wheat: the UNhealthy Whole Grain

More towards the end during the Q & A section somebody asked him about GMO corn and William Davis said that rats usually live 2 years but research has shown that when they get GMO corn they live only 1 year and most of the time they die of breast cancer.

Actually I know a woman who was more or less proud to eat a lot of popcorn ... guess  what happened >>> she got breast cancer. She is ok now, but not everybody is that lucky.

Animals will not eat GMO corn when they have the choice between NON-GMO corn and GMO corn.

That should make us thing when we buy popcorn.

People who are exposed more than 5 years to probably higher doses of Electo-Magnetic Radiation also have more often cancer. As it happened in the USA ambassy in Russia about 40 years ago.

35 years ago a nurse told me in Munich that the cancer rate is constantly going up ... and she was very concerned about that.

Peaple have to educate themselves when they want to stay healthy  ... we have the internet ... it is easy.
And when they do not have the time then they can at least read Blogs from people like me to get information they can check out.

Dr. Mercola is a good choice.

Anna Christine

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Is Our Food Supply Endangered?

This movie of Dr. Mercola's recent newsletter  should be shown in every school to every child to make them aware that our food supply is not guaranteed when we continue to exploit the earth in the wrong way.

It has to be shown to the children and teenagers because they most likely don't know what happened. Most adults have forgotten the past and live in the belief there will always be enough food and they live also in the La-La land of Me-Me consumption. Coming from Europe I also did not know that it was this bad.

What is shown in this movie can happen again ... any time. We are very vulnerable with the raising of  monocultures of corn and soy — much of which are genetically engineered . They are rapidly overtaking native grasslands. Everyone notices the changes of the weather.

The return to smaller-scale agriculture, complete with grazing herds, may be necessary for creating a more sustainable food system. Following Savory’s strategy, large herds could be moved across areas in planned grazing patterns, which would be beneficial for the environment, the health of the animals, and subsequently the health of humans consuming those animals.

Everyone should start a garden and plant fruit trees in case this is happening again. We have to be prepared. Remember, a lot of our food comes from the USA and the prairies.

Here in Nanaimo very few are gardening. The soil on Vancouver Island is in most area very poor and has to be build up over years. What we can buy in the garden stores is not 'REAL' soil - it is a mixture from peat moss, organic materials (paper is also organic), a bit steer manure and other components. The vegetables will not have the sme quality as they have on natural good soil.

The food supply in the Super Markets will last only for 3 days.

Anna Christine

Thursday, May 23, 2013

How Can I Heal Myself?

Yes we can heal ourselves ... there are different ways.

I heard yesterday, May 22nd 2013, in the radio the story of a woman who had rheumatoid arthritis and did not want to take the medication the doctor wanted to give her.

- She started drinking more water
- She ate more whole foods, raw, organic, cooking from scratch.
- She changed her thoughts, retrained her emotions to be balanced and happy
and she became healthy ... to the surprise of her doctor.

This is in my opinion  the recipe for all our health health issues.

Emotional retraining is hard work. It is possible but it is much easier to get help with alternative healing modalities that bring our body back into balance.
All alternative modalities are doing this. Some are focussing only on the physical healing and since all health problems have an emotional cause I prefer Reconnective Healing.
This new healing modality helps the body to heal what needs to be healed, may it be mental, emotional, spiritual, ancestorial and physical.

The second way to heal ourselves is by visualisation ... by seeing the body being healthy and functioning perfectly.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How to Reduce Aging of the Brain?

One of my clients told me about a new Anti Aging Pill.
I was reading the advertising booklet and there were testimonials like
- happier mental state
- more confidence
- better memory
- feeling better
- stopped forgetting things
- increase in energy
- more alert

It seems when it comes to aging that some are concerned about their brain and others about their skin. I didn't find any testimonial about the skin in the booklet.

Looking at the listed benefits  my first thought was 'these are some of the things my Reconnective Healing  clients are observing' the next was 'what about Coconut Oil? I listened to a testimonial from the wife of an Alzheimer's patient which was very promising.' I think it was on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby's newsletter.

Also regarding aging of the brain: many do not know that when being longer than EIGHT minutes on a cellphone or a portable phone  the blood-brain barrier is interrupted and all the toxins that are in the blood can get into the brain.

When they are having a Smart-Meter or are close to a Cell-Tower then the blood-brain barrier is probably all the time open
And WiFi? ... it is not in my house and not in my office. Actually I have the first clients asking me whether my office is WiFi and Smart-Meter free.
In France they are taking WiFi out of the schools.

Conclusion ...
eat as organic, toxin free, and additive free as possible.
Cook from scratch.
Use a phone that is on a landline.
Talk shorter than 8 minutes when on a cell-phone or a protable phone.
Never portable or cell-phone or radio beside bed.
Do NOT allow a Smart Meter to be installed.

Everybody needs to know that the detrimental health effects of EMR (also cancer), Electro-Magnetic Radiation, start five years after the beginning of the exposure. Therefore studies are often only done for shorter time periods. Just think what the reason might be!

Anna Christine

Thursday, May 16, 2013

New Publication: 'Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life' - .Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov

I am very excited about this new Hay House publication 'Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life', by Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov.
Dr. Eric Pearl announced the publication of this book  about a year ago and probably many Reconnective Healing®  practitioners are waiting for it.

It all started when the patients from Dr. Pearl experienced more significant healings and Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence spoke through Frederick Ponzlov, a former patient of Dr. Pearl, who during chiropractic treatments entered into an altered state of consciousness and suddenly began to utter profound and life altering information.

Beginning with the six sentences "We are coming to tell you to continue what you are doing - you are bringing Light and Information (additional to Energy used in Energy Healing) to the planet - you are reconnecting Strands (that is DNA) - you are reconnecting Strings (the connectors to higher dimensions) - we are coming because of your reputation - you must know that you are a Master." and it continued with illumination and wisdom on how we can improve our lives.

Soon 50 patients had similar experiences and repeated for 3 months the same 6 sentences, most likely to alert Dr. Pearl that something significant is happening.

This just published book will give us most likely more insight in regard to
Reconnective Healing ... you can order it HERE ...the price is reduced at the moment, which is great.

The staff from Dr. Eric Pearl wrote on his website that the information from this book has changed their lives and that they sincerly hope it will also help all of us on our Life Journey.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Breast Cancer - Breast Amputation?

Please please watch this interview of  Bruce Lipton when you are considering it.

After a Reconnective Healing session many say "it is as if all stress is lifting".

Anna Christine 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Smart Meters - Electro Magnetic Radiation - Autism

Whenever I hear about how many have cancer, how many have allergies, how many children have ADHD, how many have anxiety and depression I ask myself 'Why is nobody wondering what is going on?'

Very few had in Germany 50 years ago these problems.

What has changed in our lives? Because only these changes can be the cause. They are:
  • and nos also GMO
and all of them we can at least reduce - all of them! 
Our body is like a bucket, sooner or later it is full/has enough and we have serious health problems like cancer, anxiety, depression, allergies, dementia and so on.

Watch this video from Dr. Klinghardt about EMR, he brings it to the point and gives us an idea what to do in regard to EMR ... and what will hppen when we do nothing.

Anna Christine