Sunday, March 24, 2013

Symptoms of Cholesterol Problems

Reading a recent Nanaimo Daily News headline was 'Statins may increase risk of kidney failure'
This reminded me of a book from Dr. Matthias Rath in Germany, 'why animals don't know  heart attacks'.

It is important to know the following:

The reason is that the body of animals is able to produce Vitamin C on its own. Humans have to consume it.

Natural vitamin C is important for the quality of our skin and the skin of blood vessels.

What most people do not know is that it has to be the natural Vitamin C of fresh lemons, and other fresh fruits and vegetables. Natural Vitamin C consists of about 12 different componants (vitamin C, 3 other viamins, bioflavenoids, ascorbic acid, the rest i can't remember). They all work together.

Unfortunately there are no symptoms for high cholesterol. One needs a blood test to find out. When we have symptoms then it is very late or too late.

One of my clients had started to drink every morning freh pressed lemon juice. His doctor was very surprised about his perfect cholesterol readings.   Therefore I am drinking every morning fresh pressed lemon juice to make sure my blood vessels are healthy and happy.

Anna Christine

PS.: German title: 'Warum kennen Tiere keine Herzinfarkte ... aber wir Menschen: Bauplan für ein neues Gesundheitswesen' Matthias Rath (Autor)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How to Prepare for a Food Crisis or a Rising Gasoline Price

Here is another TED talk that gives us ideas how to change the world and live in a healthier and happier world and also how to prepare for food shortages..

+TED Talks, Pam Warhurst : How can we eat our landscapes?

One of my clients whom I had sent the post about the guerilla gardener told me that according to her information they have decided in Ladysmith, BC, Vancouver Island to only plant fruit bearing trees.

I am hopeful
Anna Christine

PS.: it seems not everybody is understanding why so many are so sick.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Our Gardens Ensure That We Have Fresh and Healthy Produce To Eat.

Guerilla Gardener in South LA (TED talk)
video 11 min

"When kids grow tomatoes and kale they eat tomatoes and kale!"

This guy is smarter and more caring and has more initiative and drive as most people in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island.

People like this are the future.

Nobody can eat stones, gravel, Japanese cherrie blossoms, and evergreen bushes that even the deer don't eat.
We have to wake up and start gardening and eating our own food so that we will be fitter and healthier!

Anna Christine  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Health Risks of Electromagnetic Radiation - Called EMR / EMF

When will mankind finally wake up? Or are many already affected and take anti-depressants which cause them to be less alert and belingerent?

Brian Thiessen talked on the video 'The Truth About Smart Meters' about what can  happen to our health when we are exposed to too much electromagnetic radiation.

Permanent Genetic Damage
Scalp Sensations
Altered Pituatary Function
Tremor of the Hands
Loss of Hair, Brittleness of Hair
Altered Menstrual Cycle
Altered Fetal Development
Childhood Leukemia
Permanent Genetic Damage

To be honest ... I can NOT understand the lethargy of the North-American population. 15 years agoo the population in Swizzerland was already opposing Cell-Phone-Towers.
The companies constructed artificial pine-trees. Every needle was a little antenna. These trees were put on platforms with wheels and when the population disovered the 'tree' and got angry, the 'tree' was transported to a different location.

And here ... they believe everything and couldn't care less about their health.

It is very sad ... the children and the grand-children will be the ones that will suffer from the possible genetic damage.

Why is nobody wakeing up??? ... Is this nature's way to regulate the amount of people on the planet? I begin to wonder because the sperm count is going down - more and more!

All of this is known since the 1930ies.

Anna Christine