Years ago a Doctor of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology told me to get an MRI or a CatScan only when absolutely necessary.
Unfortunately I did not ask why ...Ijust believed him and decided not to get one.
4 years after a car accident I called him and asked whether it would be safe to get a MRI ... His answer was "No, when you would be my wife"
Now I heard from a friend that ONE CatScan is the equivalent of ONE HUNDRED X-Rays.
She had to get a CatScan and did a lot of research.
We talked about Oprah who got a CatScan out of curiosity, just to make sure all is well and how many probably followed her and did the same.
Seems as if it is sometimes good not to have so much money.
I had to think of the gift I have to detect with my hands energy blockages in the body and in the Chakras. A Reconnective Healing Session is safer than a CatScan or MRI and cheaper too.
But of course I cannot detect a tumor or a disease ... all I can find out is that the body is out of balance.
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago