The movie “Rumi Returning” will be shown
Friday, May 27th, at 7:00 p.m., $10.00 per person and
Sunday, May 29th, at 12:30 p.m.,
in the UNITY Center, Nanaimo, 2325 East Wellington, on the left side when you come from Bowen
Tickets: $10.00
“Gamble everything for love If you’re a true human being.
If not, leave this gathering.” --Rumi
Does an 800 year old mystic hold the secret to world peace?
“RUMI RETURNING” shows the unique, unitive vision he offers our planet in all of its expansive, ecstatic truth and beauty. It celebrates his life as a triumph over separation and longing, illusion and limitation, grief and despair. His journey to wisdom, love and joy becomes our own.
THIS FILM BIOGRAPHY of the beloved 13th century saint, Mevlâna Jalâluddin Rumi, is a passionate rendering of his life and the spiritual intoxication that led him to the arms of the Beloved. Each year on December 17th, what Rumi called his “Wedding Day" is celebrated in Konya, Turkey, honouring his passage from this world and the consummation of his divine love. Rumi Returning traces his life from both a historical and theological perspective through dramatization, art and current day footage. Interviews with Akbar Ahmed,Chair of Islamic Studies at American University, Üzeyir Özyurt, a Sufi dervish born and living in Konya, Coleman Barks and Andrew Harvey help us understand Rumi's complex life and times.
Anna Christine
Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner
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