Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fresh Food Supply - Vancouver Island

We have only a fresh food supply for TWO DAYS on Vancouver Island!!! Therefore I put this meil on my blog. It is so critical that we all take action

Unfortunately most people have not a vegetable garden and it does not take the brain of Einstein to imagine what will happen when we have a small earthquake and the ferries can't dock.

The bylaws have to be changed to encourage people to have gardens and perhaps a small business at the side.

Russians only survived difficult times so well because they were all avid gardeners.
Subject: Dirk and Nicole have been ordered to stop farming!

Dear friends and supporters:

We have recently been instructed by the RDN, at the request of the District of Lantzville, to cease "all agricultural activity" on our 2.5 acre far due to us being "residentially zoned". This followed a letter in September telling us to "remove the piles of soil from the property" (which we worked out with the Bylaw Enforcement Officer and agreed to and moved the one pile in question within 48hrs).

Our goal is to have the bylaw updated to reflect the current awareness and future needs of our communities. Yes, we could apply for rezoning, however this would only help "us" not the many people who are urban farming or SPIN farming.

We are writing to you because this issue impacts all of us on Vancouver Island. Many of you are aware that only 5% of our food supply is grown on Vancouver Island, thus 95% is imported. It may shock you to know that there is only 2 days fresh food supply on Vancouver Island. That means, that any disruption in ferry service, trucking or problems at the US border (75% of BC's food comes from California) would have a dramatic and immediate effect on our food supply.

To us, "urban farming" is much more than a growing "trend" throughout North America. It is the way of the future; and the future is now.Each year:
- land prices increase, preventing new farmers - especially younger ones - from acquiring land.
- remaining farmable land (even including the Agricultural Land Reserve) is forever swallowed up by development, further reducing our ability to sustain ourselves and increasing our already extreme dependence on imported food.

In light of this, we strongly believe it is our responsibility as individuals and as a community to stop and reverse this trend of complete UNsustainability and at least work towards a model of self-reliance.

Our intention:
That together, we see this as an opportunity to "change the system". Please understand that we do not want the focus to be "us". When you read the attached letter we received from the RDN, keep in mind what they are saying means: ALL "urban farming" and SPIN farming is illegal! (Small Plot InteNsive - where young farmers use people's city backyards to grow food for sale). This includes: honey, vegetables, meat, eggs, plants, flowers, fruit, nuts - you name it! Of course, this affects Urban and SPIN farmers at the Bowen Road Farmers' Market as well as other farmers' markets in Canada where municipal bylaws have not been updated to reflect support for sustainable, local food production.

We are asking:
That you contact the individuals whose information we have provided below beginning with Lantzville Council members (and anyone else you feel compelled to). We suggest that you approach this issue in the more general terms of local food and sustainability rather than what "the authorities" are doing - focussing it on our specific case merely limits the potential for us to work towards meaningful change in broader terms.

Please share whatever is important to you about this issue (links are posted below). In your letter, make sure you ask questions, especially if you want a response. If your children would like to write, that would be great.

It is likely that Lantzville council and the RDN will respond by telling you that we can apply for rezoning (which may or may not pass). This certainly does not help the SPIN farmers in downtown Nanaimo! Again, our goal is to have the existing bylaw changed for the benefit of our entire community
(much like what Victoria and other cities have done - )

Here is a brief background of our property, which lends some context to our current activities (before and after photos attached):

The previous owner, Billy Binns, used an excavator and dump truck to mine and scrape the land bare. He had a soil screener set up on the property, selling the soil, then sand, then gravel, which resulted in lowering the level of this property by about four feet. When we assumed ownership of this property, all that remained was gravel. There were no worms, no grasshoppers, no birds, no butterflies; essentially - no living creatures!

Since 1999, we have made a tremendous effort to heal the land, beginning slowly - one wheelbarrow at a time. It has been a gradual, organic process - from planting a few fruit trees and having a small growing area, to expanding with more hand-made soil using wood chips from local tree companies and a small amount of horse manure from local, Lantzville stables. Now we have 4 kinds of bees, several types of dragonflies, numerous types of butterflies, frogs, toads, snakes, and hundreds of birds and much more! We have dedicated our time to supporting hundreds of community members who have sought guidance on how to become more sustainable in their own lives; from educating people on how to support sustainable local initiatives, to teaching families how to grow their own food. Three years ago, we also started Nanaimo's most successful farmers' market, The Bowen Road Farmers' Market at Beban Park.

Healthy, fresh food is the cornerstone of healthy families and communities. As time goes on, the importance of this issue will continue to grow. We hope that you feel the same way and we thank you in advance for your support.

Yours in service,
Dirk Becker and Nicole Shaw

PS: Please, if you would, "cc" us in your communication with authorities so we can keep track of the progress.


Topics and links related to these matters:
- Food security: The average meal has traveled 1,500 to 3,000 kms to get to our dinner tables, a model which is only affordable so long as the oil industry experiences no upset, whether resource, market, or technology-based.
- urban agriculture, , ,
- transition towns,
- emergency preparedness
- ongoing increases in population
- sustainability
Contact info:

District of Lantzville Councilor's phone numbers and email addresses:

Mayor Colin Haime said this email should also be used:

Regional District of Nanaimo Board of Directors phone numbers, mailing and email addresses:

Brian Brack, RDN Bylaw Enforcement Officer and
Lantzville Emergency Program Coordinator Alternate

Twyla Graff, Chief Administrative Officer, District of Lantzville
Telephone: 250-390-4006, ext.116

Chris Midgley, Manager of Energy and Sustainability
Regional District of Nanaimo
250 390 6568

Please take action
Anna Christine

Friday, November 19, 2010

Nanaimo - The Birth of a New Humanity Movie

With Drunvalo Melchizedek, Tickets: $10.00

This Friday, November 19th, 7:00 p.m. and

Sunday, November 21st, at 12:30 p.m.,

This is your opportunity to see the first edition of Drunvalo’s most recent communication on this most incredible moment in history.

This edition DVD includes the first time shared information about the crystal consciousness grids that surround the Earth, mankind’s evolution out of Atlantis, their development globally by many cultures over the last 13,000 years, and the amazing science that has been discovered around the pyramids and temples worldwide that has even been presented to the United Nations.

Also presented is the true story of one particular grid, often called THE UNITY CONSCONSCIOUSNESS GRID, and how it has finally come to birth since February 2008. The birth of this new living consciousness grid is for certain the most important story since Atlantis, and yet hardly anyone on Earth is aware that it has happened or what it means for humanity.

One thing is clear; the outcome of this global consciousness transition is going to affect every single last person on this planet. If you know what has now become history, your heart can rest knowing that what is to follow in our lives is one of the greatest gifts that Source has given to mankind.

I have seen the movie already and most likely will watch it again. It is excellent.

Anna Christine

PS.: Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 250-591-0775 Our New Unity Location: 2325 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6V7
2325 East Wellington, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6V7

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Drunvalo's Movie 'The Birth of a 'New Humanity' Nanaimo

The Birth of a New Humanity MovieWith Drunvalo Melchizedek

Friday, November 19th, 7:00 p.m. and
Sunday, November 21st, at 12:30 p.m.,
with a pizza lunch on the Sunday
Tickets: $10.00

Presented at UNITY Nanaimo
2325 East Wellington Road
Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 6V7

This is your opportunity to see the first edition of Drunvalo’s most recent communication on this most incredible moment in history.

This edition DVD includes the first time shared information about the crystal consciousness grids that surround the Earth, mankind’s evolution out of Atlantis, their development globally by many cultures over the last 13,000 years, and the amazing science that has been discovered around the pyramids and temples worldwide that has even been presented to the United Nations.

Also presented is the true story of one particular grid, often called THE UNITY CONSCONSCIOUSNESS GRID, and how it has finally come to birth since February 2008. The birth of this new living consciousness grid is for certain the most important story since Atlantis, and yet hardly anyone on Earth is aware that it has happened or what it means for humanity.

One thing is clear; the outcome of this global consciousness transition is going to affect every single last person on this planet. If you know what has now become history, your heart can rest knowing that what is to follow in our lives is one of the greatest gifts that Source has given to mankind.

This is in my opinion a MUST SEE video, I have seen it already and as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner I am especially interested because Reconnective Healing supports us in our evolution

Anna Christine

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fundraising Event at Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort PARKSVILLE ...

This event will be Thursday, November 11th, 2010
at the Tigh Na Mara Seside Spa Resort
From 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm

All the interesting details are below.

1:30 Opening of the event with Dove release (outside) and a prayer for peace, live music
Brief intro to the day with an short explanation of the Cambodian mission
Opening of the silent auction and draw tables, ticket sales
Arrival of the Roots and Shoots Peace Dove (this is a big cloth dove on poles)

1:45ish Opening of the Labyrinth

2:00, 2:30, 3:00 - 1/2 hour aquafit sessions in the hotel pool.

2:00 - 5:00 - Yoga(see below for proposed schedule), Practitioners sessions, labyrinth, silent auction etc.

5:00 - 5:30 - Pulling winners of the draws and finishing silent auction. Bidding adieu and bon voyage to the travellers.

5:30 - 6:00 - Pack-up, clean-up

This is a fundraiser.
practitioners (massage, acupressure(jin shin do & shiatsu), bodytalk, reconnective healing, reflexology, reiki, metamorphic massage, healing touch, pranic healing...) and psychics -

WHAT ELSE? Silent auction

YOGA schedule
2:00 Jane Specken
2:30 Greer Cummings
3:00 April Kurmoto & Tyler Maartman
3:30 (???April & Tyler or.....) Had someone else say yes, but haven't been able to contact them since.
4:00 Diana Harold
4:30 Safah Roberts

This event is a fundraiser. Drop-in. Bring your enthusiasm along with your wallet. Dress comfortably. For aquafit, bring your suit and towel.
We, Doreen, Marcella, Sarah and Len thank you on behalf of the children. In Cambodia, proceeds of our fundraising will go directly to Peaceful Children’s Home 2 in rural Battambang. Food/education/cultural experiences(music/art/dance) highlight our priority list.
In Oceanside, a share of the proceeds will be given to Parkville Qualicum Community Foundation for the Youth in Philanthropy Project.

Hope to see you there,
Anna Christine
PS.: I will be there to give 10 or 15 min Reconnective Healing Sessions.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where Does Our Soul go When We Die ? - Movie: Reincarnation - Parksville, Vancouver Island

This Friday..........November 5th, 2010
Movie Night. 'Reincarnation' .
7 pm Parksville, Vancouver Island, Community Centre
$ 5.00 suggested donation.

'The story of our Souls'

The whole story of our souls is presented in this journey through earth incarnations and planetary sojourns as given in the Edgar Cayce readings.

Cayce expert John Van Auken addresses karma, grace, souls, memory, soul groups, soul mates and how the whole process of incarnation, dying and reincarnating occurs, as well as how to put an end to the cycle of terrestrial consciousness by awakening to our truer awareness and nature.

He gives many examples from the amazing Akashic readings of Edgar Cayce of how our current lives are affected by our soul's past lives and how to recall these memories and resolve their negative influences while enhancing their good karma and grace.

John Van Auken is a director at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. He is also an acknowledged expert on the Bible, ancient prophecies, world religions and meditation.

This will be interesting!

Anna Christine