A Totally New You ...for Life! with a LOT of testimonies below.
Control Your Weight, Feel Great!
Revolutionary New
Triple Patent-Pending Formula
Fights Abdominal Fat!
Enhances Metabolism!
Helps Control Appetite!
Cleanses and Replenishes!
Feel More Energy!
All the details you'll find here on this website
In Asia, the word tai signifies "total" or "complete."
And unlike any other diet you’ve ever tried, the comprehensive
TAIslim™ plan addresses all of the key aspects of successful weight control.
Backed by clinical research and with three patents pending, TAIslim is scientifically designed to
provide an innovative and targeted solution to the problem of:
Fights Abdominal Fat: TAIslim contains FreeLife’s exclusive GoChi™, clinically shown to decrease the body’s production of stress hormones that cause you to accumulate unhealthy belly fat.. Other ingredients act on digestive tract enzymes to help reduce the amount of calories absorbed from starchy or fatty foods.
Helps Control Appetite: TAIslim supports a positive mood, suppressing appetite and between-meal cravings to help you to cut unwanted calories
Enhances Metabolism: Clinical results on TAIslim have demonstrated a dramatic and significant increase in the body’s calorie burning potential compared to placebo, giving you the energy to maximize your workout performance.
Cleanses and Replenishes: TAIslim’s advanced proprietary NuFlora™ dextrim complex provides gentle cleansing and detoxifying action to promote regularity and healthy microflora, while slowing the absorption of food to improve metabolism.
The Science of TAIslim™ with a video of the scientist Rick Handel you'll find here
And here what you all want to read: The SUCCESS STORIES
Dave's Story
Before: 240 pounds
During: 194 pounds
Lost: 46 pounds
“This time it’s here to stay!”
At 46 years old I’ve been the epitome of the yo-yo dieter. I’ve tried every possible way to lose weight and keep it off, including, but not limited to, Nutri-System (twice), Isagenix, The Amazon Diet, Ephedra pills, Non-Ephedra pills, SlimFast Shakes, The One Day Diet, The Adkins Diet, The South Beach Diet, Herbalife’s Weight loss program, and even Fen Phen. In fact, about 13 years ago I even went through a liposuction surgery to try to get rid of fat; that’s how desperate I was. But sad to say, it was shortly after that operation that I went to my all-time high of 265 pounds.
Now at 46 years of age, I was 240 pounds and just didn’t feel good about myself. When I heard FreeLife was launching a weight loss product, I was incredibly excited. Because I knew that FreeLife doesn’t just launch products without extensive research and development first, I knew that whatever they were about to introduce was going to be the very best! And the more I heard Chief Product Officer Rick Handel talk about the product, the more anxious I became to give it a try.
Many people will tell you that it’s ideal to lose 4-6 pounds a month. But many times that’s a skinny person who will tell you that. So in my case, it would take me roughly a year and a half to lose 50 pounds. I don’t want to wait a year and a half to get down to the weight I want to be at. Besides, what isn’t healthy is that 50 extra pounds on me. I want to be able to lose the weight I want to lose, safely and quickly.
I was fortunate enough to be able to get TAIslim quickly and all I can say is this; TAIslim is the most amazing product I have ever had.
First: It tastes great! Mixed with 10 ounces of water, it tastes just like sweetened Iced Tea.
Second: It makes you feel full throughout the day so that I had zero desire for between-meal, after dinner, or the really fattening late night snacks. I feel like I’m full and satisfied all day. That means I’m eating a lot less than I usually do. And it’s really easy to eat what you’re suppose to when you’re not overly hungry in the first place, and have no cravings for bad foods like donuts, chips, breads, alcohol, etc.
Third: I always feel irritable when I diet! But this is not the case with TAIslim. Not only do I not feel irritable or edgy, but I feel like I’m in a great mood, and it doesn’t give you the jitters like so many of the Ephedra based products did.
Fourth: I have a ton of energy to make me want to get up and go for a walk or get on my stationary bike.
Fifth and finally: The most exciting part of all? I’ve lost an amazing 46 pounds in just 6 weeks! I’m having a hard time believing it myself. And the crazy thing is, all I’m doing is following the simple and very generous food portions the TAIslim Phase I Food Plan suggests and doing 45 minutes on my stationary bicycle every day.
The bottom line is this… I’ve lost an incredible amount of weight, my stomach is flatter than it’s been in a long time, and I’m only about 10 pounds away from my ideal weight of 185 pounds. Everyone I know that has seen me wants desperately to try TAIslim. FreeLife has done it again. I have my life back, and this time it’s here to stay! Dave's Story
“After a traumatic motorcycle crash, I spent 5 months in the hospital rehabilitating myself. Today, almost six years later, many factors after the incident had conspired to add an extra 50 pounds to my weight. After trying other weight loss plans and failing, I became discouraged. Now, after drinking TAIslim and sticking to the plan, I have lost 7 pounds in my first week, and I am thrilled! I know that TAIslim is my secret fat busting weapon!”
- Frankie P., Brampton, ON
Lost:15 pounds each
“We are both 15 pounds lighter in just 14 days! We are also now enjoying an exercise program each morning, along with a healthier diet, thanks to the appetite-suppressing power of TAIslim. We give our deep appreciation to everyone at FreeLife for this incredible gift. In just two weeks my wife is at a weight she has not seen in twenty years!”
- Bill & Lenore M., North Babylon, NY
“As a 58 year old, 5 foot 1 inch woman wanting to get fit and trim again, the pounds do not melt off me like they used to, until now. In one week of drinking 4 ounces of TAIslim each day, I have lost 5 pounds; and here’s the exciting part, the first Saturday I started drinking the product I put on a pair of pants and they were extremely uncomfortable and too tight to wear in public. By Wednesday I put on those exact same pants, and what a difference. They were comfortable all day long and looked great. I’m already starting to wear my articles of clothing that I haven’t worn in years.”
- Dottie P., Prior Lake, Minnesota
Lost: 8 & 5 pounds
“I have lost 8 pounds since last Sunday, and Cathy has lost 5 pounds. It feels like they turned on the appetite control switch, you don't feel like eating!”
- Freddy & Cathy M., Miami, FL
“In just four days of drinking TAIslim, I have lost 5 pounds and 2 inches off of my waist! I also have so much energy that now I am on my treadmill and loving it! This is amazing! My goal is to lose 85 pounds and now I am 5 pounds closer to that goal!”
- Michelle H., Lanigan, SK
Mariette's Story
Lost: 9 pounds
“I started the TAIslim program on January 15. I quit another weight management program because it was too costly for me and they didn’t want to keep me on if I didn’t buy their products. My starting weight was 321 pounds and so far I’ve lost 9 pounds in 3 days! I take 2 ounces of TAIslim in 8 ounces of water before each meal. I also drink 4 ounces of GoChi each day and my average daily water intake is 12 8 ounce glasses.”
- Mariette C., Lethbridge, AB
“I have lost a total of 5 pounds since January 18! My husband is also losing weight and his coworkers have noticed. Prior to starting TAIslim, his excessive weight was dragging him down every day! He now feels very energetic and positive!”
- Ida F., Corpus Christi, TX
Rita's Story
Lost: 3 pounds
“I am so excited by this product! I have already lost 3 pounds in three days! This is the first ‘diet’ product I have ever tried that actually works, and with no adverse side effects! I have so much energy, and focus, and my mind is so clear! The other piece to this program that I like is that it is simple! The food choices are huge, and the amount of food is large and very satisfying! And on top of that, I have no food cravings! Thank you!”
- Rita R., Kailua Kona, HI
Sadie's Story
“I love TAIslim! I gave up dieting many years ago. However, with the efficacy of the FreeLife products, I was really excited and anxious to start the TAIslim program! I immediately signed up for The Lose Weight, Feel Great $40,000 Challenge. The first thing I noticed was that I was truly satisfied way before what I had on my plate was done! Now, it’s been five days on the TAIslim program and, for the first time, my belly was disappearing before my eyes! I now have two others taking the Challenge with me."
- Sadie M., Schaumburg, IL
“I have always struggled with my weight and I have tried many things. I have lost weight on other programs, but have always gained it back leaving me disappointed. Since starting the TAIslim program for only 6 days, I do not have cravings between meals! I have lost about 10 pounds and have noticed that I do not want to eat large meals like before. GoChi has helped my health tremendously as well, but with TAIslim, it is the perfect product to go to a higher level of health! I also can’t believe how easy the steps are to follow in this program!”
- Danny G., Phoenix, AZCharlene's Story
Lost: 8 & 5 pounds
”I am so excited to say that I've lost 8 pounds, but more importantly 6 1/2 inches in my waist in less than two weeks on TAIslim. What's great is that I'm just following my food desires. I'm craving less food and craving less high calorie snacks!”
- Charlene D., Sioux Falls, SD
“I am so thankful for being introduced to FreeLife, the most dynamic and innovative organization that I have ever been involved with. I started drinking TAIslim on Monday, January 12, and followed the Phase I Food Plan. I am continuing to eat healthy; however, the amount I am eating has diminished. So far, I have lost 10 pounds in 10 days! I’m also noticing that my energy level has significantly picked up. My goal is to get to my early 30’s weight of 175 pounds before summer. TAIslim is going to blow away any past sales records FreeLife has achieved.”
- Tony C., Lake Orion, MI
Tom's Story
Lost: 6 pounds
“I started drinking TAIslim on January 15. That morning before eating I weighed 198 pounds. Then, just 5 days later, I weighed in and lost 6 pounds, and I feel GREAT! I do everything the TAIslim program suggests, including walking on my treadmill every night for 45 min at 2.8 - 3.0 mph. I do not feel hungry and have loads of energy. My clothing is getting loose and I have no desire to stop at Starbucks every day for coffee, which is saving about $60.00 per month. Plus my weekly grocery bill is getting less because I no longer buy junk food! Thank you FreeLife.”
- Tom G., Penfield, NY
“I recently added TAIslim twice a day to my daily regimen including Daily Edge and GoChi. I want to lose the 30 pounds that have crept up on me in the past few years. I am working the TAIslim program and I have lost 6 pounds so far! I'm very impressed with all of the FreeLife products I have tried.”
- Carole M., Eureka, MT
“I lost 8 pounds on my first 3 days of TAIslim. But more importantly, I lost a total of 6 inches from my waist and hips!”
- Mary Ellen E., Amarillo, TX
“I started drinking TAIslim on January 16. My starting weight that day was 250 pounds, my waistline was 48 inches, and my total body fat was 48%. After a week of following the TAIslim program by walking 30 minutes a day and drinking TAIslim only before breakfast and lunch, my current weight is 240 pounds, my waistline is 46 inches, and my total body fat dropped down to 41%. WOW! I also feel more energy throughout the day, I am waking up with more energy, my cravings have dropped, and I am noticing that I get full faster. My weight-loss goal is to lose a total of 50 pounds!”
- Dan M., El Paso, TX
I am very excited about this VERY healthy way to lose weight
Anna Christine Doehring
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago